Problem with a veroboard honey bee

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Problem with a veroboard honey bee

Hello everyone,

I build a Honey bee following this layout:

However when I tested it I only got noise. The Nature pot seems to be working but I do notice any changes from turning the Drive nor Volume pots.
I believe that this schematic for this vero is similar to this one, only starting from C5:

I tried to use a probe and I got clean sound up to pint 3 of CA3130, pin 6 gives only noise.

The voltage readings are the following

d   8.98V
s   8.96V
g   8.14V


1    8.96V
2    8.43V
3    8.50V
4    8.80V
5    8.96V
6    8.50V
7    8.98V
8    8.53V

any suggestions on what should I try to make it work?

Thanks for your help.
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Re: Problem with a veroboard honey bee

alfonso_bundis wrote
Hello everyone,

I build a Honey bee following this layout:



1    8.96V
2    8.43V
3    8.50V
4    8.80V
5    8.96V
6    8.50V
7    8.98V
8    8.53V

any suggestions on what should I try to make it work?
hi alfonso, welcome to gfx.

just quickly glancing at your voltages, it would seem that there is a problem with pin 4 (ground).
this should read as close to 0 as possible, as everything on this path should be being sent to ground.

if you are getting a reading of 8v on this pin that suggests that either the pin or board isn't properly grounded, or that there is a mistake in your readings.

have you missed out the jumper that goes from under pin 4 to ground?

a photo of your board would be useful for further debugging help, but check your board ground connection and that jumper first.

the jumper under pin 4 should join pin 4 to the ground rail (bottom row). and that ground rail (bottom row) should be wired to the ground of the 9v power socket. that is your ground path.

get back when you've checked those things.

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Re: Problem with a veroboard honey bee

Looks like you're not grounding the effect right, and I think you have one or many solder bridges. First thing I would do is run a knife between all the solder tracks to make sure there's no unwanted connections. After you do that test the effect to see if it works, and recheck your voltages.

Also, take some good pictures of the board, top and bottom. This way we can see if something is missing or out of place.
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Re: Problem with a veroboard honey bee

In reply to this post by alfonso_bundis
Thanks a lot for your replies, you were right. Once I corrected the grounding issue it worked liked a charm.