Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

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Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

You lucky, lucky, lucky.......

Words cannot describe the hatred I feel right now.....

Nah, you deserve it. Have lots of fun with it.
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
In reply to this post by traktop
is that you Gilberto???!!!
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

In reply to this post by traktop
That's awesome!  Does it come with a VB-2 or a CE-1?   :)
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

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In reply to this post by ξεναγος νεκροπολης
Yeah, that´s me.
I think the blue boss one is a kind of detuner or something...
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
i'm your lost brother here in greece!

aaaa...i ain't gonna fool you anyway...!!!

congrats mate! enjoy your new toys!!!
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

Thank you.
I´m concerned about custom rates, since this comes from the States. Here in Spain, they can be pretty brutal, and they can charge me up to 23% of the total value of the "purchase", (which it isn´t), so if this thing comes without a declaration, a bill or something, I can have big trouble and it can get stuck in customs...
I contacted proguitarshop, but no answer.
Let´s see...
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

In reply to this post by traktop
Yeah, I think it's like a chorus that doubles and detunes your signal.  I suspect it's similar to the "detune" options on the newer Whammy pedals.  
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

Yeah, kind of.
I already got a whammy, so not overexcited about this one. May be the rv-6 or the dd-500 since comes with midi ports.
The es-8 and the pedal power mondo seem to be pretty useful though.
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

In all seriousness, if you can have them ship it to someone her in the US, they can ship you 1 or 2 pedals at a time to fly under the customs radar. I'm sure shipping will be more, but it may be less then having it sent all at once and getting bit by customs. I'm probably wrong, but it's an idea.

Btw, congrats man. Always hoped of winning one of those gear giveaways, but never one. Glad someone I know, and a good guy to boot, won one of these. Now only it I can get to Spain to play around with the winnings.
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by traktop
That looper looks lethal!

Many congrats man.

I'm the same Zach.  I've entered every competition I've seen and the most I ever won was a pack of 100 picks...all in a gauge I don't use
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

Lucky. I haven't even won that. I wish I could have a pack of useless picks that I could have laying around that I won for nothing.
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

In reply to this post by traktop
Nice haul Gilberto. Congratulations!
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

In reply to this post by rocket88
Thanks all of you for the kind words ;)
I thought about the "piece-by-piece" shipping as well, but they didn´t answered my mails.
This is the first time I apply to any giveaway/contest, and I really forgot I did it... The winner was announced on january the 11th and they found me like 2 days ago asking me were I have been...Hahaha!
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Re: Proguitarshop Boss badass pedalboard give away winner: me...

I never win those online giveaways.    Congrats on winning the contest!