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ROG britannia clean version.

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ROG britannia clean version.

64 posts
I want to use it as clean/low gain boost to get cleaner vox tone.
 Is there any way in this circuit to widen the clean range of gain knob? Or - better - to reduce clipping without loosing voxy tone and volume? Changing gain pot didn't do the trick, lifting two last LEDs reduced volume drastically. Any tips?
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

1239 posts
If you want to reduce the gain in the "preamp" section, I would remove the 10uF capacitor connected to the source leg of Q2.  That will cut the gain by about half.  You could make that switchable so as to recover the original gain if you want.

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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
In reply to this post by kuzieem
Here's a different solution that you might try as well:

Remove the diodes that goes from the audio path to ground. (the 1N4148 diodes)
These are the ones doing the majority of clipping in this circuit.
This way you remove the harshest clipping, but you keep the tone/sound of the circuit.

Note that a diode going from the audio path to ground, creates HARD clipping = Distortion but Less Volume.
Diodes in the feedback loop of an op-amp, creates SOFT clipping = Overdrive and a bit More Gain.

So therefore you got lower volume when you removed the LED's from the feedback loop.

You will get a lot more volume output when you remove the 1N4148 diodes, but less clipping/distortion.
This will probably make it a bit hotter as well, since it will push the last gain-stages a bit more, but you will get a cleaner sound at lower gain levels.

I would start by removing the last set of diodes first, and work your way towards the input if you like the result and would go a step further...
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

64 posts
Many thanks. You guys are awesome,  such useful knowledge in just one post.
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

64 posts
In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
Lifting 4148s and 10u cap sounds just as I wanted. I wired it to footswitch. The only issue is loud popping when switching between clean/overdrive. Any tip?
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

134 posts
I may be going at it the wrong way, but try upping the 1m resistor at the input to ground to 2m2. See if that helps!
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

1993 posts
That would be the opposite of what people would normally suggest to get rid of popping on the bypass switch but I think Kuzieem is talking about the mod switch.

The issue with the mod switch probably will not be settled with “pulldown resistors”. I am guessing here, but I’m thinking it may ultimately be necessary to add a simple circuit that can switch slowly to avoid the sudden voltage shift that causes a pop

Or only change that switch when the pedal is bypassed
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

64 posts
Is it worth trying to wire pull-down resistor parallel to clipping diodes? The ones I connected to footswitch selecting clean/drive option. I'm sure they make the popping.
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Re: ROG britannia clean version.

1993 posts
Yeah inserting the diodes will cause an immediate voltage change (pop) regardless of whether you have a pulldown resistor or not IMO

It’s worth trying out just so you can be sure anyway