Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

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Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

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Done 2 layouts for this one adding some of Moosapotamus' mods ( ).
Can find original schematic here:
When the SDS switch is on "Normal" the original pedal loses some Treble.
In the first layout I've used 2 toggle switches instead of the original footswitches and added a true-bypass 3PDT.
The second is like the original with an extra buffer for the SDS "Normal" position to avoid the tone-sucking problem.
Not sure if it would work or not.
Will add it to the main page if it does.

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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Thanks so much for this Alex . I will definitely be building this one next weekend as i have all the parts. Let you know how it goes.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

In reply to this post by Alex
Verified the second layout! This sound absolutely awesome. Love these weird filters. I am going to build the first layout as well. Had to use a spdt on-off-on for the range as ran out of on-ons. It seems to be giving me a third option which sounds different to the other two so me keep it that way. Thanks again Alex, i think you can bump this to the main page.

EDIT: Mid wires need swapping over, its currently working the wrong way round. Everything else seems fine.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Thanks Hozy!
Does it lose any tone or is the extra buffer working well?
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

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Its definitely quieter on the normal setting but the filter still sounds good. I need to play it a bit more to really get the feel of it. I may check it against the other when i build it just to see what the differences are.

EDIT: Been playing with this quite a bit tonight and comparing it to the bad you tube vids which really don't do it justice. I think you have resolved that tone sucking problem. In some settings yes when you go to normal from SDS it does drop slightly but its no way near what i'm seeing in the YT vids. Well done Alex. Is it likely the first version will still contain this tonal problem?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Thanks Hozy!
Good to know.
The first layout is true bypass.
Only problem is when both Switch 1 & 2 are on normal the bypass switch doesn't really do anything.
In the second one I've just added a regular buffer in front of the "Normal" side.
What about adding a buffer that adds a bit of boost instead?
Something like this: (the one at the bottom)
If you feel like testing it, here is what should be changed (with some of the buffer's components values):
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Might just give that a go. Probably socket them so its easier to revert back if its not good. Cheers Alex.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

That would be a good idea.
Should be pretty easy and may improve the volume drop (might).
Let me know how it goes if you test it!
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Ok, so got some time to try that mod out and i didn't really notice any difference at first. I doesn't sound like the trimmer is making a great deal of difference when i turn it. It sounds kick ass with a high gain boost after though and the volume drop, which is still there, seems more acceptable.
You know how i mentioned that i had to use an on-off-on SPDT for switch four. Well i find that in the middle position the effect is louder and produces a really excellent dual guitar distortion/fuzz sound which i'm really loving. It also seems the trimmer makes it a bit brighter in this position.
Any suggestions?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

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I've done a new layout with the buffer and an SHO boost at the output.
That should solve all the problems. Right?
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

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Thanks Alex.
 I was wondering, may be a stupid thought, but there is still some drop in volume as the boost also increases the filter side, would it be possible to put the boost just after the output of just the fuzz. Don't know if thats possible but if it was the pedal would be perfect.
If not i will build the new layout.

EDIT: It would cool also if footswitch 2 was buffered so that was the main footswitch with the fuzz coming on first. Again i don't know if thats possible. I don't get much time to study these things as molecular genetics takes up most of my time during the week and weekends i like to build.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Don't know if I've understood correctly.
The SDS/Normal Footswitch has already been buffered.
The boost switch has been added right before the output.
If the filter is switched off it only works with the SDS.
It don't think it would be possible to add it in any other place due to the switching system.
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Awesome Alex. It sounds like you have already done what i was thinking. I will see if have time this weekend to try it out. Thanks again.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

This post was updated on .
Hi Hozy.
Just realized: did you suggest a boost for the SDS/Normal side that works when Switch1 is on "Normal" or one that works with the Balance pot (switch 1 on "Harmonic Mover)? As an internal trimmer(i think it would make more sense)?
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Yes, I was suggesting a boost for the SDS/normal side when Switch 1 is on "Normal".
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

This should be ok then:
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Briliant Alex . Thanks so much. I'll try it this weekend and let you know.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Ok, i think we may have it as good as its going to get. The boost really has helped the SDS/Norm side quite a lot with the 5k trim perfect for dialing in the perfect balance. I think it still has some issues but i need to do a debug before i can say for certain and play it a bit more.
Thanks again Alex .
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

Let me know what you think!
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Re: Roland AG-5 Funny Cat

The best sounding of these is the layout you did on June 20th. It's a finnicky beast but has some great sounds, if you dial them in correctly. It certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea but i am totally mad for filters . Really happy with it, so am going to box it.
Somehow with the final layout you lose most of the filter.
"Red velvet lines the black box"