Running out of parts...

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Running out of parts...

Gads...I looked in my capacitor bins and have run out of 10nf and 100nf box caps and 100 uf electros!  I also seem to be going through a lot of 10k and 1meg resistors.  Time for some orders...

So what parts do most people use quickly?  I initially bought lots of assortments but now am buying specific values since I don't need more 1 ohm resistors! Same with diodes and transistors...
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Re: Running out of parts...

The common E3 cap values are the ones I always make sure I have more of than anything, and so anything in the nanofarad ranges based on 10, 22 and 47.  So like you 10n and 100n seem to go first, along with 4n7, 22n and 47n.  They're the ones I would expect us to use more often than anything.

For resistors the same probably applies, 10K and 100K are the ones I stock in the greatest numbers, but 1M needs to be added too.  Even just looking at it used as a pulldown resistor means we'll use an awful lot in out everyday building.

Best bet is to just get 1000 of everything and worry about it when you can see the bottom of the parts bin
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Re: Running out of parts...

In reply to this post by Frank_NH
I often will buy 2 resistor variety packs from eBay, one with 20 of as many different values I can find, and another with 50 of only the most common values.  Then I throw a bunch of 10k on any order I place anywhere.

I also keep a Tayda wishlist active and add to it while I'm building if I see that I'm running low on anything.  I may not always buy through Tayda, but at least it keeps it all documented in one place.
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A: Both are offensive and inaccurate.