SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

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SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

I have ordered some parts from this manufacturer called Daier, i found them through Alibaba.
They have alright customer service (i deal with the one lady), and it feels only slightly suss but its legitimate.
I got a bunch of 1590BB enclosures for about $4.50 or so US each.
The quality of the aluminium was really good, not much marbling or impurities at all, super smooth.
Also got some 3PDT stomps and it was the EXACT same as the Tayda ones, except $1.30 US each!!

Ordered a bunch of stuff cause i was satisfied with everything.
Some things in bulk and some in small quantities to just inspect the quality.
SPDT's for instance, $0.37 ea.
1590A's - $1.90 ea.

This is the person i contact for orders:

They have some cool knobs, cheap switches, interesting indicator lights.
They didn't have any knobs in stock unfortunately, i think they make to order.

Anyway i hope this is useful for somebody.
I just read my post and realised it looked like a big advertisement haha.
Check it out, i reckon its worth it.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

free shipping?
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by Ryusuke
Ryusuke wrote
I just read my post and realised it looked like a big advertisement haha.
Just registered today and this is your only post.....looks like a big advertisement to me.
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

I've seen this company mentioned on Forums - not sure if it has been here, but definitely elsewhere.  It was in relation to the cost of boxes and shipping to US and Canada (if my dodgy memory serves me right)

I've looked at this company before, but not made the jump to purchase anything due to lack of prices, as it seems that you have to enquire for the price plus shipping, and the larger the order, the cheaper the price.

Trouble is that the last big order I got from Tayda, UK Customs hit me (along with the Post Office admin charge) , so I've not ventured for a large order from these yet
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by dexxyy
Haha fair call. I just thought i'd throw it out there for people to check out.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by dbat69
Well i don't know if this can be related to you at all, but for me it was $33 USD to post to Australia. Australia isn't the funnest place to post to in terms of cost, and that was DHL express. Which Tayda does. Kind of sucked cause Tayda for the similar amount of items would normally be about 20 something. But after what i got it still was cheaper in the end. I still buy tonnes of stuff through tayda, but enclosures and switches definitely this place.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by boratto
Nah it was $33 USD to post form China to Australia. Which is average i guess. Tayda is cheaper on postage but this was express at least.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by dbat69
Yeah and the lack of prices is annoying, but you just inquire and they are pretty good at responding within about 12 hours i have found. Although I'm in a similar timezone.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

I know Daier, and I used to purchase my enclosures there. But what started as $20 s&h costs for 10 1590B enclosures to Spain, was rising everytime I ordered some more units.

First and second time, it was $20, on third time it rised to $22 (15 days later than the second one).

Next one it was $24, and on last one they asked  $27. Needles to say, that enclosure's prices were slightly rising at every order I placed too.

This time asked Mr Lee what was happening, as I didn't seem correct, $7 difference (about 40% more) than in the first order 2 months and a half before for S&H and about 30 cents more per enclusre too.
He answered that the China Post rates were raising, and I sent him to go fuck a Chinese new Year Dragon at the ass.

Now I pay the boxes, slightly more expensive, but with next day delivery and without need to ask first to see how much they want to charge.

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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

Sounds fricken typical, oh well. I guess I'm just gonna ride this cheap wave till its not cheaper than buying stuff from tayda. Cheers for the warning though.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by dbat69
dbat69 wrote
I've seen this company mentioned on Forums - not sure if it has been here, but definitely elsewhere.  It was in relation to the cost of boxes and shipping to US and Canada (if my dodgy memory serves me right)

I've looked at this company before, but not made the jump to purchase anything due to lack of prices, as it seems that you have to enquire for the price plus shipping, and the larger the order, the cheaper the price.

Trouble is that the last big order I got from Tayda, UK Customs hit me (along with the Post Office admin charge) , so I've not ventured for a large order from these yet
hey buddy, let me know when you need shit from tayda again. there's a distribution place in the US, so shit gets to me real quick, and i can send it to you as a gift so that UK customs doesn't charge you.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by Ryusuke
Yeah they have been mentioned on here before, in the sticky "Bargains" thread if I remember right.

I emailed them with an enquiry about some enclosures. Price for the enclosures was very good, but the postage was very high. Bearing in mind that UK customs include postage cost as part of the value of imported goods, they would not have worked out a bargain at all, if Customs stopped them and charged me import duty.

When I did the maths, and worked out how much extra Customs would charge me on top, I decided not to place an order.

I'm convinced that my address has a red flag on it with UK Customs, so I was not prepared to get clobbered yet again. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against paying the import duty in any way, but it's that "handling charge" that really bugs me!
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

"hey buddy, let me know when you need shit from tayda again. there's a distribution place in the US, so shit gets to me real quick, and i can send it to you as a gift so that UK customs doesn't charge you. "

Hate to say it Rocket, but UK Customs will charge import duty, even if it is a gift.

My son sent Christmas presents from Australia this year, and I had to pay VAT and handling charge on them.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

Yeah, don't know in UK, but in Spain, if the declared value + shippin' costs is more than 22 euros, the parcel can be charged with:

5-9% custom's duty of the order declared value

Once they get the amount of the duty fee, they add it to the declared value + shppin costs, and add to this amount the 21% VAT.

Not enough: after this sums, you have to pay fixed concepts too: €15 "manipulation fee" + € 3.95 "Mail system storage".

So for an order valued € 60 with a shipin costs of  €25 you get:

- 7% -> 60 euros= 4,20 € duty import fee
- 60 + 25 + 4,20 x 21% VAT= 18,74 VAT
- 15 + 3.95 "manipulation and storage"= 18.95

Total: 41.89 €. Obviously, I they want to discourage people from purchasing abroad, the get it :P

The only (and risky) chance to get not seized by customs is to choose the slowest and not insured way
of posting and under 2kg, so your order is procesed with regular letters, and not with parcels.

LUckily, customs are overloaded, and usually, parcels under 2kg and a declared value of less than 50€ get not seized.


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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

Yes it's the same sort of value here, but it's a bit of a no brainer, just make sure the parcel is marked as a £10 or $15 value and it's exempt from duty and the even more annoying Royal Mail Extortion Tax.

I can't remember the last time I had a parcel from a Chinese eBay seller with anything more than $10 marked as the value so they obviously know the score
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

Yeah, the problem is with the States :P if you don't use first class mail, you're fucked up :P

And many sellers refuse to ship with First Class, as it's not registered nor insured.

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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by rocket88
rocket88 wrote

hey buddy, let me know when you need shit from tayda again. there's a distribution place in the US, so shit gets to me real quick, and i can send it to you as a gift so that UK customs doesn't charge you.
THanks Rocket, I might take you up on that as there have been numerous times I've been tempted to get something off evilbay, only to see the high cost the seller is stating for shipping to the UK which has stopped me from making the purchase.

I also looked at one of those US distribution addresses, but for small purchases, they do not work out value for money.

Obviously, if there is a similar issue, I can sort out a sale and shipping to US.
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by JaviCAP

Its made me all warm and fuzzy to know that the UK isn't the only place ripping off its inhabitants.  We seem to be at the top of the league when it comes to being ripped off, but you also seem to have it just as bad
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by Ryusuke
I buy from Daier all the time and I've placed orders for thousands and thousands of dollars. The service is top notch, the stuff is great and the shipping is DHL so that explains the price but it only takes about 4 days to arrive to Iceland.

I haven't found a place that beats the price or service. I will stick with them for a long time!
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Re: SUPER cheap high quality switches, knobs, enclosures etc.

In reply to this post by Beaker
well i'm shocked to hear that for once the US isn't raping me as much as they could. it's so fucked up that both the UK and Spain, and i assume other European countries rape you guys on gifts too. got to love government. btw, my offer to try and help dbat out goes for all you guys on the other side of the atlantic. i figure if we don't help each other out how close of a community & group of guys are we .