Schematic Check

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Schematic Check

Hey guys!

I just worked up this Russian Muff tweak with a clean blend. Anyone mind looking over the schematic for me and pointing out any glaring mistakes?

I don't have the values labeled yet, but any help I can get beforehand would be great.

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Re: Schematic Check

Silver Blues
Dang did you read my mind?

Schematic looks good. Regarding the clean blend, I should think you want essentially this:

- Input from the jack goes to IC1B non-inverting input
- Input to the circuit comes at IC1B output
- Tap that line for one side of the blend
- Connect the circuit output to the other side of the blend
- Blend 2 goes to the non-inverting input of IC1A
- Output to the jack comes from IC1A output.
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Re: Schematic Check

In reply to this post by Dulouz
Looks ok, you might find it more useful to connect the BMP output cap direct to the mix pot lug3, and have a master volume pot from mix pot lug2.
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Re: Schematic Check

Thanks guys!

Silver Blues:

I used the schematic for the clean blend found here:;topic=3414.0;attach=2704


That was my first thought too. I may go back and just do that.
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Re: Schematic Check

Silver Blues
Oh alright, never mind me then , haven't seen it this way, but either will work.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Schematic Check

I appreciate the suggestions though!

As long as you think this way will work, I'll probably just leave it as is.

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Re: Schematic Check

Ok. One more time. I added some power filtering to the Muff section. Let me know if this looks ok or if the filtering is overkill.

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Re: Schematic Check

Silver Blues
It's fine, but I recommend using that protection diode in series instead of parallel. Will still do the job without exploding violently should it need to.
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Re: Schematic Check

Good call! Cathode to 9v in?

Thanks again!
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Re: Schematic Check

Silver Blues

No problem!
Through all the worry and pain we move on