Searching for a sound...

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Searching for a sound...

Hi There!

First message here and first of all : THANX A LOT!
this website is awesome!

Well i'm searching for the good overdrive on this site, i already have a good clean tone, and also a good massive distortion but i'm searching something between those two...

The best exemple is the beginning (from 0 to 1min30) of this track by The Ocean :

I'm searching for a sound like that, which pedal is the closest?

Thank you in advance
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Re: Searching for a sound...

Fairfield circuitry's barbershop is my fave for a low gainer.
and the wampler euphoria and Cochrane timmy are also excellent
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Re: Searching for a sound...

In reply to this post by Ktzenjammer
Add the Vemuram Jan Ray to the list
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Re: Searching for a sound...

Thanks a lot, i will dig into this four pedals !

i'm open to other suggestions! ;)
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Re: Searching for a sound...

I've built the Fulltone OCD (v3) and the Wampler Ecstacy.  I think the Wampler is a little grittier, whereas the OCD is more smooth and open.    I find myself using the OCD more.  
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Re: Searching for a sound...

the Vemuram is a Timmy with la lower  treble frequency roll off. I built one and they are nice though.
the OCD's lose a bit too much low end for me.