See what I did wrong here...

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See what I did wrong here...

I have done a few pedals, some worked, others not.  Started an idiot blower box, not really sure what I was thinking, I got a chuckle out of this (after I was done being mad at myself) and thought I would share (been a long time lerker).

Think it will still work?

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Re: See what I did wrong here...

All of the components except for the IC and trimmer have left-right symmetry, so it should work fine, assuming:

1. You reversed all the cuts.
2. You attach all the wires correctly (reversed).
3. You flip (or rather unflip) the jfet. Assuming you used a J201, you have the drain and source reversed.
4. You install the IC on the back of the board, so the pins will be reversed.
5. You reverse the trimmer (which will work backwards now) when you install it. Alternately you can install it on the back of the board, like the IC.
6. The rest of the components are are correctly placed (I didn't check).

When in doubt, just trace your layout against the schematic to make sure everything is connected properly.
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Re: See what I did wrong here...

In reply to this post by Corey1
So you know what's wrong and want us to guess am I right?

If so, I won't try to analyze your work vs. the circuit and look  for something "dumb" (don't feel bad, we all do those from time to time).

My guess: looking at the width without holes on the left, I'm guessing you haven't built the pedal in the right orientation (i.e.: you rotated the board 90 degrees).

Hope I'm wrong for the sake of your pedal! :)
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Re: See what I did wrong here...

In reply to this post by Corey1
I, for what ever reason, basically did a mirror image of the layout.  It has been a few months since I built a pedal and forgot that the layouts are drawn looking down at a vero with the copper strips on the bottom.  I flipped the vero over, did the cuts with the copper facing up, flipped the vero over then used my cuts as a guide to place all the components, thus achieving an almost a mirror image of the layout.  Anyway after I was done being mad and found it funny, I thought I would share (maybe put a smile on someone elses face).  I'm doing it correctly now and will post when it's done.
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Re: See what I did wrong here...

I made the same mistake a few months ago with the same pedal. I just re built it. Sounds great too
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Re: See what I did wrong here...

Awesome!  Build it for bass or guitar?  I can't wait to finish it in my endless quest for the perfect fuzz (or distortion) for my bass.

On Saturday, January 3, 2015, 2liveis2die [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I made the same mistake a few months ago with the same pedal. I just re built it. Sounds great too

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Re: See what I did wrong here...

Ahh the fabled quest, I'll tell you it NEVER ends. I've been chasing the same dragon for like 2-3yrs. I love what I have, but it's never enough. It's like instrument crack.
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Re: See what I did wrong here...

I believe it - what's your current favorite?  I have a hard time moving away from my black russian big muff clone, but I like my bass master and wolly mammoth.

On Saturday, January 3, 2015, rocket88 [via Guitar FX Layouts] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Ahh the fabled quest, I'll tell you it NEVER ends. I've been chasing the same dragon for like 2-3yrs. I love what I have, but it's never enough. It's like instrument crack.

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