So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

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So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

Sensei Tim
my wife mentioned to me the other day that she would like to know more about what i do when it comes to building pedals.

Naturally, i was a bit shocked, but also very happy!

She has zero experience with anything having to do with electronics let alone soldering, but she does have a real good eye for design.

I was thinking that an AMZ mini booster would be a great first pedal to build. Simple one knob design and simple circuit, unless there's something else that you guys might recommend?

anyone else here have their SO interested in what you do in your man cave?
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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

Mine is, but she just looks at it all like I have 5 heads. Lol

She has resorted to bringing me food and snacks like I'm in jail. She'll just slide them in the doorway saying something like "I've got something for you."
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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
That's awesome. Just be careful with the iron if things start heating up "Ghost" style

Here's my girlfriend's first attempt at soldering. Not bad huh?

 photo photo_zps24a3897d.jpg
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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

Sensei Tim
Travis, that's awesome!

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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

In reply to this post by Travis
That's pretty damn impressive for a first attempt! Shiny, shiny solder.

My wife keeps me supplied with tea and biscuits, but does not really get involved until I've finished a pedal. She always wants to see what the finished article looks like.

I've got my son building his own now though.
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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

I was impressed too! She hasn't soldered anything since then, but she can do some pretty sweet enclosure art!

 photo 9876D00B-B4A4-4E25-8EB2-7FE7F540E484_zpsswkyaduy.jpg
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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

In reply to this post by Travis
that is a stupendous bit of soldering for first time. she's a natural. and box art with cats on?

never mind clones of stupid pedals, i want a clone of your girlfriend.
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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

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Re: So my wife is getting curious about what i do in the basement....

In reply to this post by tabbycat
lol and there's more.. She bought me the badass soldering station that I use and at her old job she grabbed me a whole bunch of cool NOS components. Lots of really cool Dale resistors and even some carbon comps, sprague axial tantalum caps, and like 10lbs of solder (which I have completely used up).

I might just marry her. Who knows