So you need to convert Imperial to Metric to Imperial?

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So you need to convert Imperial to Metric to Imperial?

Here's a handy PDF chart to help you along. Mainly for us that use Imperial units.

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: So you need to convert Imperial to Metric to Imperial?

Or to do it without a chart, follow this simple rule:

To convert imperial to metric, first convert any fraction to a decimal, then simply multiply by 25.4

e.g. 1/2" (half an inch) convert to fraction = 0.5" then multiply by 25.4 = 12.7mm

e.g. 0.375" (3/8"  three eighths of an inch) multiplied by 25.4 = 9.525mm

To convert metric to imperial, simply divide by 25.4

e.g. 10mm divided by 25.4 = 0.394"

e.g. 6.35mm divided by 25.4 = 0.25" (1/4" one quarter of an inch)

So imperial to metric, multiply by 25.4
     metric to imperial, divide by 25.4

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Re: So you need to convert Imperial to Metric to Imperial?

In reply to this post by Chris60601
If you have a modern Android phone, just ask it.  "Ok google, what's 25.4mm in inches?"

Very handy when cooking/soldering because you don't even need to touch your phone with messy hands.