Sometimes you need a little help...

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Sometimes you need a little help...


...clearing your pedal building workspace:


...doing the final check on a new guitar build:

...deciding whether to sell a guitar or not:

...modeling for an Ebay ad:

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Re: Sometimes you need a little help...

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Re: Sometimes you need a little help...

In reply to this post by Heath
Cats for life! Unfortunately my helpers are back in Poland and my big, bad landlord is not allowing me to hire any more!
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Re: Sometimes you need a little help...

In reply to this post by Heath
I'm afraid your workspace clearing expert is slacking, mine clears the trackball too  
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Re: Sometimes you need a little help...

Ha!  What he has started doing lately is laying on the bannister behind my monitor and "fishing" for my components.  He'll reach over the monitor, stretching his little cat arm as far as he can, extend a claw and try to hook wires, clippers, velcro pieces, anything he can hook.