Stacking Overdrive Opinions

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Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Mike B.
I have a 1590BB sitting around, so I thought I'd turn it into a dual overdrive.  I've played a Timmy running into a Barbershop, and I really like that combination.  I've never tried a Zendrive, but I've heard that running a Zendrive into a Timmy is also pretty great (I think Mark has mentioned that a few times).  Do any of you have opinions on which combo sounds better: Timmy into Barbershop or Zendrive into Timmy (or do you have any other good recommendations)?

Thanks for any input!

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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Yeah I'd go Zendrive and Timmy with an order switcher or a 4PDT toggle, that's my fave combo
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Gnarly... I have a Zen Pro pcb from sitting around, a Timmy in a shitty looking enclosure, several 1590bb enclosures, a 4pdt toggle switch... oh, wow, and a 4dpt order switching pcb.  I'm not quite sure why I have those extras, but yeah, I think I just found another project to put on the list :p

Fear the ZEMMY pedal!!!!
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

In reply to this post by Mike B.
I don't have them boxed together... YET.  I have a real Crunchbox into a DIY Zendrive into a real Timmy on my board and it covers pretty much all my dirt needs.  Zen into Timmy is great.
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Snare227 wrote
I have a real Crunchbox into a DIY Zendrive into a real Timmy on my board and it covers pretty much all my dirt needs.  
Yes that's exactly what I have too (although my Zendrive is real too) and those 3 give me everything I want.  It's still nice to builds lots of others though just for a bit of variety.
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Yeah I'd love to find a pedal that was essentially like a Crunchbox with a bass knob, that way I can dial in a bit more bass when I use a smaller 1x12 open back cabinet.  I've tried upping a few of the caps in that pedal thinking of putting them on a switch instead of a knob but I can't find anything that will give me the low end bump.  I may have to break down and build a Guvnor... but I feel the CB circuit is just too good and the Marshall wont live up to it, even though it sports the 3 band.

OP.. these three would be a great start for your stacking search!
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Increasing the 220n in the CB will lower the corner frequency of the high pass filter.  Or if that doesn't do enough you could think about adding a 2 band gyrator EQ to the pedal, that will give you a powerful active tone control that you can tweak exactly to get the two frequencies controlled just right for you.  Alternatively, adding a Timmy Bass and Treble control to the Crunch Box should be easy enough
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Crunchbox gain with a Timmy EQ could be awesome.  A bit over my head at the moment, but awesome nonetheless.  
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Mike B.
In reply to this post by Mike B.
Thanks for the input!  I haven't tried a Crunchbox, but it looks like I have to build one of those as well.
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

In reply to this post by Mike B.
There are so many combos that work great
For the last couple of months i've been using a Jan Ray into an OCD (III) and I like it very much
For me the rule is the boost/low gain pedal first
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Mike B.
In reply to this post by Mike B.
Mark, thanks for the Zendrive idea. I built one today to test it with my Timmy and when I plugged it in to test it I couldn't stop playing for an hour. I love it!
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

Mike B.
I didn't even notice the post with the Timmy tone controls.  I'll add that to my builds for this week.  Thanks for the heads up!
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Re: Stacking Overdrive Opinions

I put in the request for the CB with Timmy controls, and I did get to build it.  Swap around the wires going to the bass pot (it could have been the treble pot, it's been a few days) and it works just fine.  Honestly, I like the four knob version with the external mids knob better, but some may find this version better for their rig than I did. Props to IVIark for a freaky fast reply to that one.  Dude is a layout machine.