Stick layout to vero board

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Stick layout to vero board

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Does anyone print off the picture of the layout and attach it to the vero board itself, to allow for foolproof building? So you know exactly which component goes where and through what holes?

Just wondering what kind of scaling or resizing you have to make to the printed layout in order for it to fit accurately onto the vero??

heres an example :

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Re: Stick layout to vero board

Nice idea Eric, I've never done it so can't comment on printing resolutions but it should certainly stop any misplaced components
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Re: Stick layout to vero board

In reply to this post by eric90000
I tried to do it once but the sizing was a touch off.

What i did was trimmed the edges of the picture to match the actual  cut out board I had.  Then measured my board with calipers and resized the picture to that dimension.

It was pretty close but not 100%