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Suggested builds

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Suggested builds

6 posts
Hello all, first post from an enthusiastic, unskilled and slightly squiffy newbie. Looking for builds that have added to your lives.  I've got around 10 done so far, 3 boxed - swamp thing,  rocket wtf and modded jerculator. All of them have been from this site, many thanks to everyone who has put the hard work in, this site is fantastic.
Looking for suggestions for simple versions for good but not too difficult (yet) vibrato, spring(ish) reverb, delay,  ampy distortion and fairly heavy fuzz with a good dynamic range. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance,  Andy.
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Re: Suggested builds

464 posts
I've built the following:

Madbean Wigl, the simplest Univibe ish vibe out there. The Creampuff which is a fantastic fuzz and for the delay you cant go wrong with the Deep Blue Delay. As for distortion, I'd say build the Lovepedal Purple Plexi, sounds fantastic.
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Re: Suggested builds

215 posts
In reply to this post by Bodge
Ss/bs mini
Basic Audio Scarab Deluxe
Bigfoot Magnavibe
Sam Ash Fuzzstainer
EQD Tentacle  (put it into a 1590bb in front of a Scarab Deluxe and hot damn, so sweet!)
I could go on and on, so many great layouts here.
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Re: Suggested builds

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Bodge
Welcome Bodge

For simple vibrato, gotta be the Magnavibe. It's a one trick pony but sounds great, I love that pedal.

Spring reverb stuff.. Pretty much all of the simple reverbs use the belton brick, which I'm not really a fan of. They have this modulated sound that makes it seem like you're using a chorus. A couple of the guys here have built the Surfy Bear reverb which looks really cool.

The mad professor deep blue delay is a classic simple delay build. The more features you add on to a delay, the more complicated it will be to build. If you're looking for a delay with modulation and everything, the echo base pcb from musicpcb.com is an easy build that really sounds super good

For ampy distortion I really like the BJFE stuff and the JFET amp emulators if you don't mind biasing JFETs. There are so many options on this site, if we had an idea of what kind of amp sound you're after we could probably point you towards the perfect build.

For fuzzes there are so many options and so much of it depends on your playing technique, amp, and guitar. I think you might like the Acceleron fuzz though. Many of us have built about a million fuzzes, there's not really one to rule them all, just different flavors
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Re: Suggested builds

269 posts
In reply to this post by Bodge
Yeah the deep blue is a good delay, for sure. I'm going to list my suggestions in  our particular order, but I feel they are pedals everyone should have.  Mind you I'm more of a guitar player than an electrical engineer, but I've built all of these:  DAM meathead with a dpdt switch for input and output caps switching, DE Profundis delay, Red Llama overdrive. DBA Fuzz gun  (it's a little tricky but read the build log and it sounds fantastic imo).  Vibrato and reverb I've not built a clone of yet. I prefer fender tube amp Vibrato, and I have a Holy Grail reverb. Though I really want to build the DBA reverberation machine.  Anyway those are some of my favorites
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Re: Suggested builds

1993 posts
Yeah I built the meathead early on and absolutely loved it. Great suggestion

Fender called the effect on his amps vibrato but that effect should be called tremolo. Vibrato is technically a pitch modulation not amplitude (volume) modulation. When we say vibrato here we are usually talking about pitch modulation. Fender also called the vibrato on his guitars a tremolo, so the way he used these two terms backwards has caused a lot of confusion down the line haha

I'm with you though, haven't found a pedal that sounds as lush as the tremolo and reverb on my Twin Reverb
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Re: Suggested builds

6 posts
In reply to this post by Bodge
Thanks for all the suggestions. I was torn between the deep blue delay and the king dubby delay but not sure if I've got the necessary skills yet.
 I'm mostly playing through headphones using a ropey old zoom multieffects jobby at the mo due to domestic circumstances (20 month old daughter who doesn't like to sleep plus the fact my little amp has tried setting on fire the last two times I've plugged it in). This seems to be weirding out the circuits that I'm enjoying. I always thought that i liked nasty evil fuzz noise boxes but I've tried the great destroyer and ab-synth and not enjoyed them enough to box - this may be because they are less fun direct into your ears.
I think I've got the components in for the red llama and purple plexi in so I'll try to give them a shot. I don't have a particular sound I'm aiming for but I'm having fun seeing what noises i can make.
As a recommendation to others the rocket wtf simplified with no boost or eq switch does the best job I've encountered so far of cleaning up without any major volume loss off your guitar pot,
Keep up the good work people,  many thanks.
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Re: Suggested builds

Ciaran Haslett
590 posts
My current favourite build is the EQD The Depths.  Loving my modulation effects at the minute.  But as others have said...the Meathead is just amazing bang for yer buck!

...and welcome to the forum
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Re: Suggested builds

269 posts
In reply to this post by Travis
Travis, have you heard the 'vibrato' on the 5G9 tremolux? It's power tube bias based.. so swampy. I built a vibro champ head clone.. and that's also got super swampy trem, one of my favorites.

Back to pedals, I'd also suggest a good OD like the Timmy, or Honey Bee.  I'm a big noise fan so I build the stuff that sounds nutty and makes people think it's broke.  The Great Destroyer is a mad easy build and there is all kinds of crazy shit in there.  The Noise Ensemble is good too, but I think you have to get the layout from Freppo's blog.  
So many good ones.
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Re: Suggested builds

1993 posts
I haven't tried the Tremolux but I would love to. Looking at the schematic, I have tried other amps which implement the tremolo in the same way. I am using an almost identical circuit in an ac30 project

I did build a Weber Revibe, which has a 6G15 reverb and the "harmonic vibrato" from the 6G12 brownface Concert amp. Have you tried the harmonic vibrato? If you like "swampy", that has to be the swampiest, stankiest tremolo. I love it, the speed range is kinda limited, but it sounds kinda like a univibe or something. Really cool!