Super Crunch Box

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Super Crunch Box

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Was asked to build one of these, so figured I'd post my layout.  All I could find was the regular crunch box schematic and a layout posted here. So I modified the layout and added in the parts that would take it to the Super Crunch specs. I can't say for certain the Super Crunch uses this charge pump, but it does what's needed. The low gain switch may not be correct to the pedal, but works. The "comp" switch as they call t selects between the originals red LED's, a pair of silicon diodes and another setting which I think just uses no clipping diodes at all. I can verify it works unless I made a mistake on my layout drawing somewhere (first drawing was on paper and the one I built from).
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Re: Super Crunch Box

Nice layout jondog!  The original Crunchbox is great and one of my boxed builds.  Could you repost the layout full size so the text is easier to read?  Thanks!  
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Re: Super Crunch Box

made it bigger. There's a trace cut under R9 and C15 if it's hard to see. You can play with the values of R9 and C15  to adjust the amount of gain and frequency of the low gain setting. Those are the values that sounded best to me on my rig. Raise resistor value for less gain, raise cap valur for more low frequencies. I found higher than 47n it started sounding a bit flubby.
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Re: Super Crunch Box

In reply to this post by jondog
oh you're that jondog huh? didn't realize.

I'm that surgeon as well...