Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

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Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

Jovi Bon Kenobi
Hello everybody.

If I wanted to build both the Vemuram Jan Ray and the AMZ Mini Boost into one BB and also have the ability to toggle the effect order, would it be possible? Would I use the 'Switchable Boost' diagram on the offboard wiring page?

If possible, which toggle switch would I use and is there a diagram around?

The Jan Ray is on a 19x12 vero and the Mini Boost is on an 11x9. If I cut a single piece at 31x12 that would allow me to build both next to each other with a column of cuts to separate the two. Would it matter which side one or the other was built on?

This would be my first 2 in 1 pedal. Thanks for listening to my noob questions.


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Re: Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

Jovi Bon Kenobi
I did a little searching on this forum and may have found what I was looking for.

Basically, I want an OD and a Boost in one box with the ability to switch each on independently or together. Also, having the boost be able to go into or come out of the OD. Is this the diagram I need?

For the order switch, can I just use a 3PDT toggle instead of the 4PDT? I wouldn't need LED. If so, how would I wire it?

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Re: Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

Jovi Bon Kenobi
I also found this diagram from digging around in this forum. It's Kost1978's modified layout of Mark's "Dual Effect Example".


Which of these diagrams might get me where I'd like to be?

Many Thanks,

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Re: Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

The dropbox link doesn't work but I use the picture you've attached. Yes, just use a 3PDT toggle and wire it exactly the same just leave out the far right LED row.

Also consider building both circuits top to bottom instead of side by side. That way you wont have wires running up the middle. But either way will work
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Re: Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

Jovi Bon Kenobi
Thanks Vince. I didn't realize it would be that simple.

Also, I did consider building the circuits that way. It would look better, but I think 31x12 will fit nice and snug in the undrilled area above the foot switch and below the pots...hopefully :)

Thanks for your help!

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Re: Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

In reply to this post by Jovi Bon Kenobi
I use this all the time:

In = Input jack
Out = Output jack

Send A = input of the first circuit
Return A = output of the first circuit

Send B = input of the second circuit
Return B = output of the second circuit

Just use a 3PDT toggle switch and skip the last three lugs where the LEDs are wired. If you orient the switch so that the top part of it on the image is facing to the left (looking into the enclosure), the switch will point in the direction of the signal chain. Get it?
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Re: Switchable Boost w/ Switchable Effect Order

Jovi Bon Kenobi
Thanks Geiri! Yes, I think I get it. Much appreciated.

I ended up getting it to work using the first image as my diagram and I have 2 reasons to celebrate.
1) This was my first dual pedal.
2) This is the first time I have had a pedal be functional on the first try.

I used a 1590BB enclosure from Tayda

Here it is:
Jan Ray on the left, Mini Boost on the right. The switch changes the order of the boost.

Both circuits on the same vero with a column of cuts to separate the two. Wires out the middle :/

And it sounds AMAAAAZING!

Thanks for your help