TS808 & ?????

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Re: TS808 & ?????

Just realized I'm out of 100k log pots.... Linear is probably gonna make for a weird sweep....

I wonder if there's some sort of way of getting round that.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by inefficiency
Man that's quick. As soon as I get home I'm going to do the first shoveling, then I can fix the layouts. I might just remove the SWTC and add a BMP tonestack with booster at the end to recover the lost output. Either way, shouldn't take me that long to get done. Figure in like 3-4hours it should be up.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Yeah, that's cool man, thanks a lot.

It would be nice to have some sort of tone control, but I want to keep it to 1 pot - making it 3 overall.

Would adding a booster at the end require an extra pot, or would it just work from the main volume pot? IE, making the overdrive a fixed output and then having the booster to control the volume?
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Re: TS808 & ?????

If you make the volume pot a trimmer you can have it internally and adjust it to where you want it, then you don't need an extra pot.

What I'm thinking is basically taking the back end of the BMP and adding it to the end of the germanium giant. So you're output will still be the normal voltage divider. Silver had an idea of doing a dual gang pot to control the output of the booster and clean control so it the booster would increase as the clean decreased, ie as the diodes were added the booster would increase the output to so you wouldn't loose output, and as the clean is increased the booster would decrease.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ah, yes. I forgot with this circuit it's not just a "volume" control...

All I basically want is for the circuit to operate as before, but with a tone control and no volume loss.

Oh, and with tasty germanium goodness
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Re: TS808 & ?????

The germanium gods have smiled upon us with this effect. It should be an easy addition, so don't you worry. Bite, the only reason I'm able to answer so quickly today, and the rest of this week is that its midterms and I'm basically staring at kids taking a 2hr exam. It's madening.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ah, that sounds mind-numbing....

Cool, well I will check back frequently and as soon as there's a layout I'll get it built up fast.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

lol, it's not as bad as you think. but, in any event i finally got home, did the 1st round of shoveling, and made the layout. i'm 95% sure its good to go. the gain recovery stage is taken directly from the Green Russian BMP, so as noted you can switch the resistor values to match that of the LBP booster if you want, but i think this should work to increase the output more then enough, rather than having an actually booster at the end. according to the schematic Clean 2 would connect to Volume 3 for output, but now i have it so that the tonestack goes to the Clean 2, and Clean 2 connects to the board to control the input to the gain recovery stage, then the new output comes off the gain recovery stage.

let me know how it works out. if it's good then i'll add the same gain recovery stage to all the layouts, with or without the tonestack.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ooh, that's nice!

Just seen the news here in the UK - they say NJ and NY are in for four inches of snow PER HOUR tonight!

That's not so nice!

Keep warm Zach - turn up your solder iron temperature.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

thanks buddy. i intend too. they're talking its going to be like 12-36" by tomorrow. my gf isn't going to make it home from work tonight and going to have to stay at here parents, which is near her work, so i'm going to be stuck here alone i checked the fridge and i've got plenty of beers, plenty of parts, a list of pedals to build, and all the time in the world. i'll check in every so often so everyone knows i'm alive. lol.

i'm thinking the grease box is the first to be built, then maybe silvers poinsettia, then i don't know the list got so big by being out for so long from the move!! lol

plus, i just got the call that school will be cancelled tomorrow, so i can drink all i want, and build all i want today AND tomorrow. i know the kids are happy to have off, it's midterms, and i'm a happy camper cause i can spend all my time building AND lifting weights.  

but, shit, i still have to shovel the god damn snow every few hours
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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by rocket88
Looks pretty good!

I'm busy right now, but will defnitely have it built by the end of the night and will most likely report back in the morning.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by rocket88
Enjoy yourself Zach!
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Re: TS808 & ?????

In reply to this post by rocket88
Stay off the damn streets during that snow!  You're not the danger on the snowy roads... it's all the other idiots.  Source:  Grew up on Lake Superior and went to the snowiest college in the US (including Alaska!).  :)
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Oh don't I know it. People don't know how to drive normally, and add a blizzard to that and you're just asking for trouble. They're talking about the possibility of power loss, so I'm praying that doesn't happen. It's actually nice and quiet in my house, and no one is telling me I have things to do, I just ate some chili and going to lift, then get to work on the greasebox, which I plan on getting done tonight, with the help of some beers. Now, what should I do after the greasebox? suggestions? Lol

Btw, thanks inefficiency. I think it will work right, just not sure how much boost it will add. I might have to do if myself to just to compare it to the one I have, or maybe take the normal layout and add the gain recovery stage to the end of it without the tone control. I hope this addition doesn't change the sound, I me a it's absolutely great. I was also thinking about doing it with an added jfet booster, but idk. Maybe I'll McKee a layout for someone to try.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Yeah be careful! We wouldn't want that Chevelle to get hurt

If you're up for a little challenge the DAM FZ-673 that I made is another favorite. Sounds best with humbuckers, but damn does it sound sweet
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ok, just about to build this mother.

If how much boost it will add is a concern, what should I socket so that I can change that? Or is this not a possibility?

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Re: TS808 & ?????

That's not so much my concern, it's more of it altering the tone of the effect and loosing some of that Ge goodness. You could socket the resistors I mentioned and play with their values to alter how much boost you get.

So true Travis. That's why she's nice and warm in my garage away from all this evil snow. Lol
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ok, I'm going in!
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Silver Blues
Oh god yeah this blizzard is supposed to be mad. I'm getting it starting by 2am I think they said. I expect that my only class tomorrow will be cancelled. If the power stays I have assignments to do and if it goes I'll be building models   

I hope your power stays Rocket so you can get that build list shrunk. I also really hope my parts come soon so I can get my Blueberry done.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: TS808 & ?????

haha, building models? what models are you building, and if the answer isn't super models, you're doing it wrong.

so far so good. the powers fine, but i'm afraid to look outside to see how much snow there is already, its about midnight now. i don't think my list is really going to shrink much. there's just so much to build, then build modded versions, it's a vicious cycle.

i have like 20 enclosures heading my way, just for my own builds so i have enough in stock for awhile. got to say, i'm loving my bigger building space. the only problem is i feel like i need more stuff cause theres so much room. lol

side note, i've resorted my components so there's room, and got the board cut for the grease box, it's going to be a quick build. not sure if i'm going to add an inverter or not though. not sure what's next, i know the pointsettia will be done tomorrow, and i need 1 or 2 other builds. i like travis's suggestion, but maybe thinking of a FR-69. i built the FR-70 and loved it, so the Ge one has to be even better. right?