TS808 & ?????

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Re: TS808 & ?????

Silver Blues
Oh man I wish I had some supermodels  haha no they're these stamped metal 3D things from a company called Metal Earth that my mom got me for Christmas. I've got nine to build and haven't gotten around to it yet, and if my power dies I'll have an excuse to do it.

Bahaha yep indeed it is. Yeah it's 245 right now (yup still awake for god knows why) and the snow was supposed to start 45mins ago lol. Over here it's supposed to snow/blow snow 30cm before mixing with ice pellets then freezing rain because we can just never have normal weather. It's going to be a wet, frozen, slushy catastrophe out there on Wednesday.

Having all your stuff neatly organized is so freeing. The entropy of my dad's workbench is too high for anything to stay organized for long, and honestly it kind of bothers me whenever I have to work on something down there. We somehow lost the file I use for edging boards which is sooooo annoying . I'm working on giving myself a dedicated workspace over here that I will keep nice and orderly. Oh dude that's great  I really want to hear your thoughts on it. And yes, yes it does. Germanium is so much fun lol!

Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: TS808 & ?????

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Yea, but it won't stay neat for long. The laws of nature dictate that the more organized you make something the more disorganized it will try to be, ie the more you decrease entropy in a system the more the system tries to increase it. Everything heads towards disorder and chaos, just a fact of life. Lol
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Silver Blues
That's true, I should know being a chem major  But one can try... you can't make an endothermic and entropically unfavorable reaction proceed without a little energy input
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: TS808 & ?????

funny enough i was premed, but didn't really have patients for patients, and i loved teaching so i switch directions. still did all the premed science stuff, then went to grad school for education.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Silver Blues
Oh nice. Yeah I find myself in with a lot of grad and higher-year students headed to health professions.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ok, so I got it built up and I seem to be having some difficulties. I'm not sure if there's a problem with the design or if I've just messed up somewhere.

I used a 51hfe MP38, a 2n5088 and a couple of d311.

It's extremely quiet. I have to turn the amp up really loud to be able to hear anything. Once I have it turned up, the volume control works as intended. The tone control seems to work in reverse, but that could be an error by me. It gets darker when turned clockwise. The "clean" control doesn't seem to do anything at all.

I'll do some tweaking and see what happens. In the mean time. Any ideas?
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Ok, after playing with it more. It seems that the clean control does do something. It seems to just add a bit more volume. It may just because I'm having to test at quiet volumes because it's late, coupled with the fact that the effect is VERY quiet anyway.
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Re: TS808 & ?????

Hmmm. That's part of the issue of the passive tone control, it robs output. Test at more normal levels and see if it's better. If not, remove gain recovery stage and put a booster after the effect and see of that's better. If it is then we have to figure out a better way to regain the output that's lost from the tone control.