TS808 with clipping switch

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TS808 with clipping switch


I just put on the breadbord TS808 (with clipping switch).
It function very well but at the modes, there is a big drop in volume when one switches the mode of 1N4148 diodes.
Compared with the schematics I have just changed a component because I don 't avai (nf 210 for the noted 220nF).
And I have put 5mm LED.
I do not think that these two changes are the cause of this volume loss?

That if somebody an idea that I can try to avoid a change this fall Volume forcing to redo all settings when one plays ........
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

In fact we manage to solve the problem by changing the 1N4148 but domages because the sound is intéréssant with them .............
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

In reply to this post by MOPO
Assuming you used on/off/on clipping switch, with 1N4148/diode bypass/red LED's as options I wouldn't be surprised to hear a volume drop with the 1N4148's selected. Or in this case it would be better to speak of a volume boost with the other two options, as taking the clipping diodes out of the signal path usually means you get a volume boost. And LED's as clippers usually also means you get a big volume boosts. In which case the perceived volume drop is the actual volume the TS808 is supposed to have.

In case you used an on/on switch to select between 1N4148 and LED's then the same applies and you should still get a volume boost engaging the LED's.

Another thing to consider is that the human brain considers loud things to be better. If you hear the same song, but one mixed to have more volume, you will think that one to sound better. This is the basis of the loudness war, where music gets mixed to be as loud as possible, as close as possible to 0 db, even if it means compressing the shit out of it and losing all dynamics. So when you hear a clipping mode that is not as loud as the others its no surprise that you start to think 'hmm, something must be wrong' or 'hmm, that mode is probably not that good'.
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

I have used a good on / off / on, on and off the LED volume is almost similar (a little harder to off).
Actually lower volume in itself is not dérengeante for my part it's just in the idea of simplifying the settings for live ......
M thank you for having reassured that this normal self, its going m avoid hours of research :-).

@ +
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

The volume drop is normal.  The TS808s I've build have very low volume.  Unity is about 66%.  Samething with older pedals I've build like the King of Tone and Bluesbreaker.
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

I've checked a few Tubescreamer layouts and they all seem to use log pots for volume, which easily explains why unity gain is at 66%. Log tends to put all the good stuff in the final third of the turn. Which is why I always use linear pots for volume, it gives a far better usable spread IMHO. My rule of thumb is that unity gain should always be at 12 o'clock. If way before use log pots (occasionally it happens), if way past use linear.

Which means in this case though, if you happen to like the diode lift or LED clipping settings its probably best to keep the log pot and just remember that you have to turn the volume up for the 1N4148 setting, and back again if you revert to the other settings. It also means that in a live setting and you want to do some switching it also means you have to do some volume adjusting.
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

Thank you to both of them, I'll try to put a linear pot in the final cut in the box.

Without wishing to take up your time sii you have 2 minutes I have a wiring problem with the DPDT zombie chorus it is malfunctioning it is a post yesterday that I've updated everything on time in open chat entitled "Zombie chorus".

I wedge ....... I see more errors apart the wiring DPDT but I find not ......

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Re: TS808 with clipping switch

In reply to this post by MOPO
What if you boost your diode mode by adding this simple EHX boost?

aka Dead Eye
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Re: TS808 with clipping switch