Tayda LEDs...

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Tayda LEDs...

Silver Blues
So I like to use waterclear LEDs as indicators, for no reason in particular other than they look nicer than the diffused ones to me. Generally I use 10K CLRs because the brightness needs to be cut down fairly significantly, which has always worked for me in the past. However, I recently ordered some new waterclears from Tayda that are so bright that it's ridiculous. I needed a green one to replace the one out of my Poinsettia that I fried, and even with the 10K CLR it hurts to look at. The orange ones have this problem as well, but interestingly enough the blue ones aren't as bad and the red ones I ordered a little while ago are perfect with 10K.

This is partly a warning and partly to ask what you guys use as a CLR with these kinds of LEDs. I suppose it would be easy enough to just toss one with a trimpot on the breadboard (which I will do at some point) but it's full right now and I'd like a ballpark.
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

I use 1K5 on all my clear Tayda LED"s, but I've gone as low as 470R in the past (on the account of me having gotten a shitload of 470R's with a LED order). I actually want my LED's to be as bright as possible on the account of overenthusiastic light techs dousing the stage in (red) lights, making it sometimes impossible to see if a pedal is on or not. So, as some would like a pedal to make their guitar cut through the sound mix, I want LED's so bright they will cut through the light mix.
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

I use 2k2 with my water clears so they're bright, but not blinding. The tayda ones seem to be geat and never had an issue.
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

I use 5mm Kingbright waterclear LEDs from Mammoth and a 4.7K or 5.1K CLR (depending on my mood ).  Works for me - no burn outs or overly bright LEDs.

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Re: Tayda LEDs...

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
I've laways had to use up to 200k resistors with tayda's clear leds... Been using those since I started building 2-3 years ago and never could go below this value for the sake of my retinas...
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

Wow. What color are you using? I mostly use the blue waterclears from Tayda with a 4k7 and never thought it was too bright. Then again I use lenses with my LEDs but those are clear and let most of the brightness through
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

3.3K on all my water clears. All from Tayda
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

Well I guess I like them tamer than you guys do (I hate when they get so bright that I can't see the labels on the pedals...).

I use pretty much all of them, blue, green, red, yellow and white. The yellow and red ones I go around 100-150k while the others are all in the 200ish territory.

With the regular 2.2k-4.7k they were all completely blinding to me in a darkened room.
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

Silver Blues
Well I knew they were bright but 200K...
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Re: Tayda LEDs...


I know right? Still, that behaviour's been consistent with every batch and they are far from being mellow (much brighter than the diffuse version)...
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

With Tayda white clears I use 15k CLRs
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

In reply to this post by Silver Blues
I use 8.2K for clear LEDs
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

Silver Blues
So I guess it's just the greens that are stupidly bright. I tried them out with a trimpot on the breadboard and found that a good value for orange is 1K, blue is good at 5K yet the green is good at ~22K.
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

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Re: Tayda LEDs...

Silver Blues
Oh I can imagine. The blues with a low value are room illuminating.
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Re: Tayda LEDs...

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Re: Tayda LEDs...

Silver Blues
Through all the worry and pain we move on