So I like to use waterclear LEDs as indicators, for no reason in particular other than they look nicer than the diffused ones to me. Generally I use 10K CLRs because the brightness needs to be cut down fairly significantly, which has always worked for me in the past. However, I recently ordered some new waterclears from Tayda that are so bright that it's ridiculous. I needed a green one to replace the one out of my Poinsettia that I fried, and even with the 10K CLR it hurts to look at. The orange ones have this problem as well, but interestingly enough the blue ones aren't as bad and the red ones I ordered a little while ago are perfect with 10K.
This is partly a warning and partly to ask what you guys use as a CLR with these kinds of LEDs. I suppose it would be easy enough to just toss one with a trimpot on the breadboard (which I will do at some point) but it's full right now and I'd like a ballpark.
Through all the worry and pain we move on