Tayda mpf102

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Tayda mpf102

Sensei Tim
Are they legit or fakes/out of spec units like the j201's?
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Re: Tayda mpf102

I've never heard of tayda doing anything weird, but I'm still new to this. I think I got mpf102s from them, but that was like three orders ago. I belive I used them in a noisy cricket and it worked fine for me.
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Re: Tayda mpf102

petey twofinger
In reply to this post by Sensei Tim
i am sure many folks have been burned by fakes , i have been lucky enough to not run into this yet . so i should not comment but i though ti would share this info as it may ultimately find helpful to someone at some point  - pinouts .

for me , what i need to remember myself is to never , ever the pinout . if i have an issue in a circuit that uses these types of transistors , well for me , 99 scratch that , it always is the fact that i have the pin out worng . if mat attempt to try to figure out the manufacturer and then get that specific data sheet as that info may be helpful . i have been down this road enough times to finally come up with a solution that works for me .

i used a set of  three sockets , attaching different colored wires to each leg , then tin those tips ,  so i do not have to bend the legs until i am sure which legs need to be bent where . insert the jfet into the socket and then swap the wires into the circuits socket .

 i use that instead of googling for pinouts , often but i do think it would be nice to have these shipped with that info or have the parts labeled .

it is typically info that has been omitted that consumes my trouble shooting time . i prefer to have all of the blanks filled in . i do not wish to learn , i wish to build . unless i am breadboarding but typically , this is  the case, and i do not sell , nor will i be doing this .

thats me , i realize most folks dont have time for that  , and are in a huge hurry , since i stopped with the massive amounts of smoking ,  but i can read quickly and have a fairly healthy attention span .  
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Re: Tayda mpf102

just a comment on the whole fake j201 thing from tayda. it's not so much that they're fake or all out of spec, but just an issue with through hole j201's is the spread is massive. i've had the same issues with through hole j201's from other reliable sellers like smallbear. it's part of the reason to have a whole hoard of them to be able to match them for different effects or just use trimmers to adjust them properly. i think as long as you buy from a reliable source you're going to be fine and not get fakes. i could be wrong, or just have had good luck, but it's my $0.02.
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Re: Tayda mpf102

Sensei Tim
I remember i ordered 20 of them from tayda a while back. i tried them in a dr boogie circuit and a JCM800 circuit. both of them sounded dull and flat.. like there was something wrong with the circuit.

as soon as i swapped in some SMD j201's the pedals sprang to life.  haven't looked back but i can't find mpf102 SMD on mouser.