As long as it fits, that will work. The reason for it being so big is that the voltage rating is massive. The higher the voltage rating, the amount of voltage the cap will take, the larger it becomes. So I typically try to use the lowest voltage rating I can get away with in a build, cause the component will be smaller, and easier to fit in the enclosure. Obviously there are some exceptions, like the Panasonic esq caps, but it's a good rule of the to follow. With resistors it's the wattage, ie: 1/4watt, 1/2watt, etc.
So all of my electrolyics are either 25-50v as I don't have to worry about blowing them up, since all the effects I build are 9-18v. Usually Mylar/poly, multilayer ceramic, and regular ceramic caps will withstand more so I don't really worry about them.