Hey everyone, longtime lurker first time poster. Man, I've read that a lot of times 😀 I've built quite a few pedals from this site so I figured I'd open up one of my favorite pedals and see what I could do since it's not on the site. This thing is over my head though. It's on something that looks like Vero with no copper strips. The leads are just soldered together underneath the boards. There are 2 smaller boards, one for each side. I can either take pictures or I can send the pedal to one of you gurus if you'll send it back to me when youre done. If anyone's interested let me know.
Hi Jason, sounds good to me. Post some high res front and back pics of the board and we'll see if it's easy enough to do from pics and maybe a few questions answered.
I put the values in. If i understand the markings correctly on those blue ones that are mlcc. I'm not sure about the electro cap. It says b1106 and 22/35(m) on it. its a nichicon audio cao if that helps. If I need to desolder and measure it I will. There are pics with wires numbered for pot connections, cap values, and such now. Your board trace looks good, let me know what else I can do to help with this
22/35 will most likely mean 22uF and max rated at 35 volts.
You labelling on the punch side really helps. I'll try to get it done tonight and ask any questions I may have as soon as possible so you can put your pedal back together lol.
Again can you have a look Jason and tell me if everything looks good? Specifically the resistor values as I had a hard time discerning the colour bands with the pic lighting...reds look brown etc.
Just to clarify to anyone looking at this, all the stuff hovering above the 4558A's non-inverting input should be connected together. Looks like the export glitched out on that schematic.
haha....yip! Haven't got used to what DPI in Eagles export I should use when upping pics to this forum. I'll post hi res links when it's all confirmed.
It is, with sum/assym clipping option.....but I see your point.
When I finished the Punch last night I realised I drew the switch wrong in the Touch schematic but was too tired to go back and correct. It should be drawn exactly as the Punch.
I'll correct this tonight or tomorrow when I get a chance.
You guys are awesome! Are the switches on-off-on to give the 3 types of clipping as the original does? Also, which switch is punch and which is touch? Again, I think it's amazing watching you guys do this so fast! I'm gonna try and build this soon to compare it to my original.