To much output !

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To much output !

I build this one here:

Sounds good but it has lots of output, too much i think.
Volume half way up on the Zenkudo and my Amp breaks up to early.

What should i do, it has a 100k lin volume pot and the range isn´t comfortable.
How can i lower the output of this pedal without destroying the sound ?

Thanks for help
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Re: To much output !

Are you talking about gain or volume?  You can reduce the gain by reducing the value of the Gain pot, but bear in mind you obviously won't get as much gain in the maximum setting as you used to.  I'm not really sure what the problem is though, I use gain to set the amount of dirt, and then set it to the volume level I want with volume pot.  Want more dirt turn up the dirt, want less volume turn down the volume.
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Re: To much output !

In reply to this post by Mikey
Don't turn up above half way? Or get an amp with more headroom?

Sorry, dunno what to say. I thought mega output in OD pedals was desirable!
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Re: To much output !

In reply to this post by IvIark
I mean the Volume (Output) not the Gain.

The problem is, the Zendoku is way louder than my Zendrive for example.

I only use the range till 9 o´clock, all above is to loud.

i need more range from the pot, to fine adjust the volume.

Hard to explain.

Should i try a log pot ?
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Re: To much output !

Yes a log pot will bring in the resistance much more gradually and so you'll get better resolution throughout the sweep.  I'd always use a log volume pot if it was a pedal I was selling, but we keep the layouts true to the originals and then people can decide if they want to mod it themselves.
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Re: To much output !

Ah thank you.
Sweep was the word i needed :)
I´ll try a log pot and test it.

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Re: To much output !

I have this "issue" with an OCD clone I built.  Couldn't I (we) Just put a trimmer inline with the input on the volume pot?
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Re: To much output !

In reply to this post by Mikey
Log pot is most likely to make the sweep more usable, but should the output still be too much for your liking you could try putting a fairly low value resistor in series at the end of the audio path just before the volume pot. This should reduce the maximum level much in the same way putting a resistor from lug 1 of a volume control to ground limits the minimum (ie BMP gain control). Please do chime in and correct me if I'm wrong though! :)

The volume trimpot idea is another solution, which would leave the option open should you want the full volume back for any reason in the future.
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Re: To much output !

Hi Alex.
Thank you, i´m gonna try this.