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Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

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Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

24 posts
Hello people!

Yes, I know. There is no man on this forum that hasn't build one of Tim Escobedos circuits :D
It was one of my first experiences into electronics and maybe the hardest, having in mind that except will I had nothing else. My country in general has few shops for electronics and 10 years ago internet shopping was not that well developed so making a project was a real challenge. Also there were few people that had the knowledge to help and not as many guitar effects to compare your build with.
I was surfing the net for DIY project not just for the trill of building something "exclusively" mine but for some new, cool and interesting later this days called- expensive and boutique.
From all the half written information's  on the net there was only one name constantly repeating no mater how wide and my google search was- Tim Escobedo, Tim Escobedo, Tim Escobedo.....
Believe it or not, my first choice as a stubborn young doctor was: TMK Too Many Knobs
The name sounded cool, the fact of too many knobs was a challenge, the building of a pedal from some guy Tim Escobedo was trill all because I imagined that I'll have the coolest, meanest, knobiest Fuzz in the country.
After a long time battle with components, half etched pcbs, acids, burned fingers, wrong pots- I MADE IT!
The pedal sounded terrible but I was proud of my project. Had the sounds that I never needed nor I could understand. Had the knobs, had the complexity of an 486PC computer(for me back then) but I was proud!

I use this opportunity to motivate you all to write about your experiences about Tim Escobedo's projects and tell us your modes, and pedals made by this genius that you really appreciate or not :)  
Thanks Tim! Million Thanks!

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Re: Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

384 posts
The uglyface. For ages after I had started dabbling in the DIY pedal world, I had heard of the Uglyface and just assumed it was a souped-up and extra filthy variation on the fuzzface.... However, I finally got around to breadboarding it, and nearly blew both my speakers and eardrums simultaneously. Sounds like nothing else, and can easily be modified into a standalone synth that plays itself. Here, with a 4017 "baby8" sequencer modifying the frequency pot setting -

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Re: Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

183 posts
In reply to this post by Goga
I think the zvexMachine is close to two 2 Tripple Fuzzes in a row?
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Re: Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

1993 posts
In reply to this post by Goga
I built the Logic Fuzz early on and loved that circuit
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Re: Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

Neil mcNasty
415 posts
The Bronx Cheer is a fascinating and very simple build!
Both for guitar and bass players.
Has a lot of different sounds to offer by simply adjusting the volume and tone knobs on your guitar/bass.
Highly recommended!
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Re: Tone Report strikes again! Tim Escobedo

487 posts
You know, for year's I've come across his name and yet in all that time I never bothered to find out who he is and why his designs are so prolific. Other then his name I know jack shit about Tim.