Tone Stack Calc for Mac?

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Tone Stack Calc for Mac?

Ciaran Haslett
Anyone point me towards a circuit sim for mac?  Can't get TSC to run on mine with wine.  Looking at iCircuit but seems a little basic.

Basically looking for something that i can input a circuit and it will plot graphs for analysis using different input frequencies.


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Re: Tone Stack Calc for Mac?

You can get LTspice for Mac
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Re: Tone Stack Calc for Mac?

I've just started using LTSpice for the PC.  Easy to learn and very powerful.  I've mainly used it to evaluate some tone circuits but simulating a simple transistor boost or fuzz would be pretty straightforward.
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Re: Tone Stack Calc for Mac?

In reply to this post by Ciaran Haslett
It works fine for me using wine 1.6.1 on OSX 10.8.5. That said, I remember fiddling a bit to get it installed and up and running...!

That LTspice looks a handy software too, downloading as we speak! :)