ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

I realize that it has quite a few components, but i'd love to see this one, since it's coveted by guitar and bassists and the toneclone PCB alone costs $29+$6 shipping! IMO, at that price, after sourcing & buying an enclosure and all of the components you may as well buy the reissue, but I've read that the RI's pots feel a little flimsy and it isn't true bypass.

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

+1 , I'd like this one to
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

well, I drew my own vero up for it. unfortunately, even though it's only a 3 knob pedal, the smallest enclosure that it'll fit in is a 125B (same as the ToneClone's size) due to it having so many components and it pretty much filling up a 26x 20 vero.
I haven't verified it yet but i'm pretty sure that it's correct.
i'll try to build it tomorrow.
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

I am no expert but would it be possible to use a quad opamp instead of the two doubles ? I know it would reduce the ic choices but it might bring the size down some
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

A quad would be a bit of a pain with this because of the sheer number of passive components around them.  It's nice to use two duals just to have a few rows gap in between to make all the required connections.  I'm happy to do this but don't know how soon, my missus seems to have decided my weekend for me already!
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

Thanks for that IVIark ,I'm building a gain stage red this weekend , but I would still like to add this one  to my collection at some point
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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well, i'm going to have a go at building the vero that I drew for it today. if all goes well, i'm just going to put it in a 125B. I've checked my vero against the schematic quite a few times, found a few errors and corrected all of them so i'm pretty sure that it's good to go.
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

That's a really great layout John.  I would totally build that because I don't see what value I would add to it by making the board slightly larger just for the sake of two standing resistors.  I love the satisfaction you feel when you manage to keep the size down and also totally cram out the board space you have!  

In fact that would go in a 1590B rotated 90 degrees.
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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thanks Mark. I actually was able to shrink it down from 26x20 to 24x19 now. there are a few more resistors that span only 3 holes, but i'm going to build this smaller one:

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

3 hole spans are fine by me, I've got a set of 1/8W resistors for those
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

me too!
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

got the board built. now I just need to wire it up and test it (fingers crossed).
I cut a notch on the lower left corner so it would be a better fit in a 1590B with the board mounted lengthwise. I sure hop it works since there's A LOT of components on this one.

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

aaaargh! it almost works but the gain control doing almost nothing! and the output dimed is only at unity.
I've checked my layout and my build against the schematic a bunch of times and I can't find the problem. i'm going to keep looking for errors though, since the schematic looks like it should work.
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

Nice work , I'll be interested how well it fits into your enclosure being that size. I got a pinnacle deluxe with 2 x stomps into a 125b so maybe I can make this one work too
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

In reply to this post by johnk
Great stuff John.  crw414, this would easily go in a 125B or even a 1590B, it would just need mounting upside down so the board doesn't interfere with the input and output sockets.  It would probably fit in a 125B components up.
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

Thanks , IVIark , I've been doing some measurements and am sure if I mount the foot switch down lower it will go in components up , which is what I prefer.This will now go on my to do list.Thanks for the layout John.
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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yes, it'll fit component side up with the footswitch mounted lower on the enclosure. I plan to mount mine today.

BTW, my favorite JFet in it is the 2SK30A-Y. when using I that one, you can go back to using a 10 ohm resistor on the mains power input. BTW, the reason that I posted this one is because the 2SK30A has a different pinout than a J201
here's the layout for the 2SK30:

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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

I have a couple of 2sk170bl left over from my fetto build , might try that instead of the j201
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Re: ToneClone Nobleman/Nobels ODR-1

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In reply to this post by johnk
I finally got this one mounted in a 1590B. it was a pretty tight fit.
man, the ODR-1 sounds really good!