Transformer-less Broadcast?

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Transformer-less Broadcast?

I've read a few accounts of people putting together the Hudson Broadcast and trying with and without the transformer, and many stating the difference wasn't all that big. I wonder if a simplified, transformer-less layout has ever been made? Would love to give that one a go but my layout-drawing skills have gone a wee bit rusty...!
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Re: Transformer-less Broadcast?

Dylan159 over on FSB made a much simplified, transformerless Benson Preamp called the Bonson Praemp (I'm serious). You'll find the schematic & layout here.
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Re: Transformer-less Broadcast?

In reply to this post by alex.s
I just built the layout and left out the transformer instead of redrawing it. You’re not going to get it that much smaller, I think.  Sounds amazing!!