Trimpot Value Question

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Trimpot Value Question

Hey All,
I was thinking about building an Azabache, but when i looked through my stash i realized i've got everything except for the right size trimpots. It calls for one 5K and three 20Ks. How important is it to get  the right value trimpots? I have a bunch of 1K, 10K, 50K, and 100ks on hand. If i used a 10K and three 50Ks would it be too much of a pain to dial in the right drain values? Is there any kind of rule or guideline  for how much variance there can be when subbing trimpots on a layout? I really wanna build this one, but don't want to wait a week and then see my wife frown when another package from Tayda arrives at the door;^)
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Re: Trimpot Value Question

Yes those values should be fine.  You may not have as high resolution in the rotation of the trimmer, but it doesn't have to be absolutely precise.
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Re: Trimpot Value Question

In reply to this post by Meomy
Thanks again Mark