Hey all. My girlfriend isn't happy I discovered this site. I've pretty much been researching/learning/building for a couple weeks now... Oops...
I've become pretty comfortable with building the vero layouts, and I became intrigued by the Trotsky, which is only hosted here as a tagboard layout. So I thought, "Let's see if I can turn it into a vero." The only other vero "Trotsky" I could find on the internet doesn't match the schematic, so it wasn't very helpful to double-check my work. I was hoping you guys might be able to take a look at the layout I made and see if I've got things right.
This is the original tagboard posted on this site:
And here is my vero layout:
If I'm close, any advice or pointers are greatly appreciated. If I'm WAY off, please feel free to let me know and I'll go back to my electronics book and try to learn some more. I'm perfectly happy having to do this 10 or 20 times to get it right.
That said, if I've got it functional but there are things I can/should do to make it more "proper" or more efficient, please let me know.