Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

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Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?


Wondering if it would be possible to incorporate a voltage starve feature as such as that on the Durham Crazy Horse into the Mojo Hand Colossus Circuit?

If so, is there anyone who would do a diagram of what I would have to do?

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated

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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

just put a pot in between the 9V wire form the DC jack to the board. lug 3 from the DC jack and lug 1&2 to the board. i would use a 10k linear pot to start out with and see if you're happy with the taper and value, if not experiment.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?


Thank you very much, i don't know why i didn't think of that myself. i will give it a try
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?


Sorry, got another question.

How critical is that 104 ohm resistor in the colossal curcuit?

Will 100 ohm cut it or should i hunt down a 104?


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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

It can't be a 104r pull down resistor or it would mute the circuit: I'm guessing it's meant to be a 1M
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

hey nocentelli, i've felt the same thing, but in the schematic i used, which is from kitrae, it shows 104r.

the layout has been verified, so i guess it does work with a 104r. but, since i haven't built it i have no idea.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Wtf? That's gotta be a mistake on the schem.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

idk man, i went back and checked and gavin verified it as the layout is. i don't get it either, cause most of the signal should go to ground with a 104r resistor there. i may build it myself and socket it to check, but it will be awhile before i do. many other builds ahead of this one.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

The 'input EQ section' on that schematic doesn't make any sense either (the switch will do absolutely nothing as drawn), so I'm guessing typo on the pulldown as well. I haven't built it, though.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

In reply to this post by rocket88
I did verify this but its volume isn't great. I will change the 104R for a 1M and let you know what happens. Could the 104 signify a 10k resistor?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

That would be 100K. I was thinking the same thing, but that wouldn't make sense for the emitter resistor which is also labelled 104Ω

Even 10K or 100K would be smaller than typical
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

In reply to this post by induction
induction wrote
The 'input EQ section' on that schematic doesn't make any sense either (the switch will do absolutely nothing as drawn), so I'm guessing typo on the pulldown as well. I haven't built it, though.
i agree that the way the switch is drawn doesn't make sense. the way i did it in the layout is that the switch puts a cap parallel with the 10nF going into the bass of Q1.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

rocket88 wrote
induction wrote
The 'input EQ section' on that schematic doesn't make any sense either (the switch will do absolutely nothing as drawn), so I'm guessing typo on the pulldown as well. I haven't built it, though.
i agree that the way the switch is drawn doesn't make sense. the way i did it in the layout is that the switch puts a cap parallel with the 10nF going into the bass of Q1.
That makes much more sense.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

OK just socketed the culprit and played around with this and the 1M resistor makes the volume perfect but it also worked without any resistor. So stuck in a 10n capacitor and now it sounds really good. The switches and pots all seem to work better this way with more tonal shaping. Do you think this is correct?
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Correct that i meant 100n not 10n. It sounds more like a muff variant now.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Just messed about a bit more and thought hey what would a 1n4148 do. Tried it and it changes it again. This seems to be a highly modifyable part of the pedal. Sounds more like a distortion with the diode.
"Red velvet lines the black box"
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?


Thank you for all of the assistance guys, i might put socket there and see what i like the sound of
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

It's just a pull down resistor to keep the bypass switch from popping. You'd be better off modding other parts of the circuit to change the sound.
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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Can someone who has built this confirm for me whether i need to use the 2.2n and 5.6n from the layout or the higher values from the schematic?


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Re: Voltage starve feature for Mojo Hand Colossus Fuzz?

Are you talking about the two caps in the tone section of the collosus? If so thrust are 56nf and 22nf respectively and should be they way in the layout.