Tabbycat, glad to hear this is useful for you. I've read you can also use this to control the filters as well, but I don't know if that true or not. But I'll try it when I actually get everything put together.
I don't know much about the monotone, but I did a quick search and it seems many people add CV to theirs. This seems to be a good place to start: Synsound. I think it would be pretty cool to have something like a Baby 8 sequencer running into a WSG, and a few other things, like Atari Punk Consols, at the same time. Or running into any combination of the 4 WSG oscillators. I think I may try to wire all this up with some rotary switches to route the CV to various points.
Roughly, something like this:
BABY 8 Sequencer CV:
To WSG OSC 1, 2
To WSG OSC 1, 2, 3
To WSG OSC 1, 2, 3, 4
To APC 1
To APC 1, 2
To APC 1, 2 & WSG OS 1 (and/or 2, 3, 4. You get the idea)
Im pretty new to synth stuff, but looking for ways to change that.
I'm totally insane for the next month. So I won't have time to build this for a bit. But that doesn't stop me from planning it all out!