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Wampler Book

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Wampler Book

610 posts
Hey Guys,

I know this sounds like an add (which it's not), but just a heads up that apparently for a limited time, Brian Wampler re-released his old book 'How to mmodify guitar pedals', cause the 2nd hand prices were crazy high.


I am in no way related to his business, and will delete it if it is inappropriate, but thought it could be interesting for people.
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Re: Wampler Book

198 posts
I saw this in an email from Brian!.. great news.

Potentially even better news - he's re-writing/revising the book as well. He said within the next few weeks he's releasing a version 2 of his book, with new circuits/writings/teachings. Good stuff! Scoop up the old one if you don't have it.. (or at least have the PDF version).
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Re: Wampler Book

3037 posts
In reply to this post by Marbles
My only issue is that within the commmunity it's free, and Brian made it free, so why re-release it for $70. I believe that it's the same as the pdf books. I would like to see Hume come out with a new book tbh. There are a few errors in the book that you need to watch out for when reading it.
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Re: Wampler Book

610 posts
I understand.. To be honest, I learn better from books. I don't know what it is, but I just have trouble concentrating on screens. Downloaded the PDF, too slow to zoom in or read on an e-reader, and on a laptop it just doesn't work.

I even printed out electronic projects..etc page by page haha. So yeah, it's steep but I heard good things, so I decided to go with it.. If that's a smart thing remains to be seen haha
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Re: Wampler Book

1284 posts
I have a copy of the book I bought many years ago when I started tinkering with pedals - long before I started building pedals of my own.

To be honest, it taught me very little, and I doubt whether too many on here would find it useful.

It's just loads of PCB printouts of various pedals with components circled with comments like "increase value for more bass".

I'm a bit gutted really - If I had any idea at all that this was going for silly money on ebay, I'd have sold it in a heartbeat and put the money towards something useful!

If anyone absolutely has to have an original copy, give me a shout.
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Re: Wampler Book

610 posts
Oh... damn it, I ordered it. Well, if you don't mind getting rid of it for cheaper than the price I paid on amazon (and willing to ship to holland), I wouldn't mind taking it of your hands :D (and be very thankful)
I can maybe cancel my order.