Well, let me be the first on this 24th

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Well, let me be the first on this 24th

To wish you all a merry xmas (eve)!

It's been an exceptionnaly busy year for me but I've still mamaged to build quite a few pedals. Furthermore, I've built my first amp, which I probably wouldn't have done if it were not for the experience and confidence I gained from buildin pedals and all the onowledge I gained from you all.

So, to all of you that make this place so great: merry xmas!

Mark and miro deserve all the credit for runnin g the site and making it what it is (and lots of credit they do deserve) but the community is somehing we all share responsibility in building.

Mark: here's to wishing your condition improves quickly!

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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

Merry Christmas all!

In a year or so I've gone from having built one pedal from a kit to having built a whole bunch from scratch and even learning about a whole bunch of other things related to electronics and tone.

99.9% of this is due to the great advice of the good folks here. Many thanks to you all!

Now, make sure you aren't too hungover for Christmas dinner, because we all know how depressing that is!
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

Silver Blues
Merry Christmas!
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

In reply to this post by Surgeon
I also would like to wish everyone a great holiday.
I've built about 40 pedals over the last 8 months. like Inefficiency, I had never built anything electronic before. Everyone here has been extremely welcoming and helpful.
Thanks to all of you!
Give a man a match and he'll be warm for a day.
Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

Yes, it is a great place and all credit to Mark and Miro - you guys are great and deserve so much appreciation for all your hard work not only running the forum but also the amount of pedals / veros you guys post, along with the continual assistance you give to everyone.  THank you so much

And also thanks to everyone on here, there is a lot of help and support and advice from the more experienced (dare I say professional ) builders.  I've learnt a lot and continue to pick up a lot from you guys and building my own pedals.  I still have a lot to learn, but I think I'm hooked to this DIY hobby - I need my continual fix

There is also a message of best wishes from our friendly eBay seller in Bulgaria (bg2014_manue and ml-electronics) - a special one from him to you Mark  (ohh and Mark, there may be something for you in the package I'm expecting - I will need your address to forward it on)

Happy Christmas to you all and wishing you all the best for the New Year
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Happy Holidays to all (more pointed to the folks that celebrate Christmas) Merry Christmas.
I wish to thank all of you for the gift of knowledge but also friendship.

What a terrific family of DIY'ers I have had the pleasures of meeting!

Yeah, 220, 221. Whatever it takes.
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

Right on! Can't agree more with you all. The overwhelming majority of my cicuit habits are hashed out on this site. Thanks to Mark and Miro, and everyone else that hangs out here. Happy to meet you all!

Happy Holidays and New Year!
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

I can't say anything that hasn't been said. Not only is this a great place for learning, but as time goes on it becomes closer and closer, where it's gotten to the point where there is support in information, parts, and comrodery. Without mark, miro, any everyone else it could never have happened. With that I will raise to toast to one and all.

Plus now that I'm on break tomorrow I will be building and wiring my office so I can build again, and get my computer set up, so I'll be back in full force. And like surgeon I've got an amp to build that I would only do because of what I've learned from this site, the people here, and gotten the confidence to do so.  
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

Merry Christmas to all of you, I started dabbling in making guitar effects when I was 18 back in 1983 and only came back to it when I found this fantastic site a couple of years ago. Since then I have built effects the quality of which I never dreamed of back then and better still out of the 15 or so I have built they have all worked either first time or after a quick check over (that never happened when I started). All credit goes to Mark (get well soon) and Miro and all the rest of you who contribute to this amazing resource.
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Yes a very merry Christmas to all the great people who visit this forum and blog.  I haven't done much here for the last couple of months because of my trapped nerve but this place has carried on regardless and it's great for me and Miro to see all these discussions, leading to improvements and new ideas all the time.  You are all fantastic.

Oh and as an update my nerve is still trapped and now I've done my achilles as well!!  I didn't realise you started falling apart at 42!  Never mind, they'll correct themselves soon I'm sure

All the best guys and gals
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Re: Well, let me be the first on this 24th

Let me also pass on my season's greetings and Merry Christmas to IvIark, Mirosol, and the whole gang here at the tagbaordeffects forum.

I could write a book on everything I've learned over the past year, and through the great layouts here I've been able to perfect my building process to the point where I can have small to medium sized circuit going in a few hours and boxed in a few more.

I actually enjoy helping others debug their circuits, especially if I've encountered the problem before.  I think most visitors find this forum to be welcoming and willing to discuss a wide range of questions.  I know I've learned a lot just reading through many of the threads.

And I hope to be able to continue to contribute into 2015.  I have some layouts I've done recently that I'll add to the Contributions section of this forum.  It's a lot of fun going through some obscure sources online and discovering a circuit that perhaps no one has made a vero layout for.  And who knows - maybe I'll even come up with an original circuit.   I have an idea for an op amp-based overdrive which uses back-to-back diodes in the feedback loop for clipping the signal!  I call it the "Scream Tuber", and I'm pretty sure it's 100% original...