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I was thinking that a lot of us have extra parts because we found a good price on something; and that we could just exchange them here - no buy/sell unless you want to (or else possibly have nothing tht works in a trade).
Now, I don;t think price is a big deal for most of us, because usually you have a bunch because you got a good price. But someone one lese might only want one or a few. But it is probablyh a good ide to list price just for reference. This is not about making money - it is just about saving time, shipping costs, and helping each other out. If you list what extra parts you have here - just maybe someone will want to trade you something for them. Or if you list what you are looking for - same thing. We should be able to mail each other these parts in almost no time at all. Here is what I have: PT2399 chips - the 16-pin ICs you use for delays, etc. I have dozens at a trade value of maybe $.50 (50 cents) for me. I have TONs of 100uf electrolytic caps, but they are rather big (8mm). (I have about 100 extra) TL082 - whatever you want to trade TL072 - whatever you want to trade ICL 7660S - SMD chips - I got these when I first started buying, not realising there were SMD in the description. |
This is a bit like Noel Edmonds Multi Coloured Swap Shop.
Am I showing my age? I'll check my stash. |
Right now I really need an OC45 Germanium transistor or a good substitute. Just FYI.
Why do you need OC45?
That's an OC75. The two are not interchangeable. That circuit is also pretty over your head at this point. Attempt at your own risk
The OC45 is the non-military spec for the other transistor - the C7004.
But I will admit the circuit has been difficult - I built a power inverter and made sure I have -9 going along the top strip and 0v (ground) along the bottom. But I can't seem to get any audio past the base of Q1 (using an audio probe). As usual, everything looks right but aI had some issues with the power inverter at first, so I plan to start from scratch and build the whole circuit again so I know the inverter is right from the get-go. Why do you say this circuit is tricky - what do I need to look out for? |
Getting it to "pass signal" should be a piece of cake. Getting it to sound great will not be easy. This circuit is very picky about transistor selection
I think that's why I need the OC45 - actually, now I can hear my guitar through the circuit, playing different notes, and it is really a pretty heavy effect - but I also have a ton of oscillation. All I have to work with are high hFE and high leakage AC125s (aside from the two OC75s I already have).
You need high leakage to make this work. My OC45 are all low leakage, and would definitely not work for this
You are also gonna want more OC75 and more of whatever you use for Q2. The chances of you getting it right with two random OC75 are basically zero |
Thank you, that is valuable advice. I do appreciate it. It is also unusual when a lot of these circuits have people saying "just toss in any Ge and see what happens" - but I really do see your point - because the guy did specify a military spec part, after all.
Those that say just throw in any old Ge have more experience with these circuits, it's not random. If you read the comments for this effect it was suggested to read how to pick transistors for the sink machine, which this basically is. The transistor name and "military spec" don't mean a thing, it's about the characteristic of the transistor. The model and type will change the tone.
I would build something less complicated and finicky like a normal tonebender first. Jumping from a rangemaster to this is like trying to go from being able to sit up to running. It's a recipient for disaster. Just my 2cents. |
This is good - this has been an education. Thank you Rocket. I had never even heard of a Sink Machine.
I had pretty good luck with FET circuits when people have said they struggled, but it was usually because I had the patience to keep trying things (like biasing by ear) until they work right. But fuzzes are not something I was ever really into before and germaniums have attributes I still don't fully understand how to use, but I am starting to understand their benefits. That's why (like a lot of us) I also have a DCA75 on the way. |
Fucking auto correct. It should have said Zonk machine. Sorry a lite plastered at a concert now,
and didn't catch that. R.G. Keen has some info and a guide for transistor selection for it. |
In reply to this post by motterpaul
This isn't a DAM production model, it was only made in very limited numbers. Even David Main, who has tons of the magic germanium transistors and original units to reference (not to mention much more experience than maybe any of us) comments on how frustrating it is for him to select transistors for this circuit. You have to take into consideration the stardards he's setting for the sound versus what your expectations may be. Anyways he won't make this a production model because it's too hard to build, and trust me he's much more equipped to build it than us
You may think "oh hey I'm getting fuzz this thing is working right" when really it's not nearly as good as it could sound. There's a lot that goes into getting a good range out of the attack control. To manage a balance of some decent sustain without getting all of the crazy harmonic fizz that this circuit can produce can be challenging. When you put everything together, it's just a very difficult build. Although I guess the difficulty really depends on your "tonal" standards. If you have low standards or have no idea what you're trying to do then it's an easy build The MK1.5 would be a better project unless your balls and luck are super fat |
Well as emperor of the Ge deathstar I can say I may be equipped but only to maybe make 5-10 if i could manage 5. This is a bitch of a circuit and while it's on my list I avoided it like the plague for the difficulty of transistor selection.
Man even if you have a shitload of germs it doesn't help if they don't wanna cooperate. I've got thousands, who knows how many different types and this circuit just kicks my ass. There's always something left that I want to change.. You fix one thing and screw up another.. It's a crazy rabbit hole
By the way, in my experience the RG Keen article is way off. If you follow his methods you're basically adding more complication to something that's already difficult |
I am glad you guys warned me.
No problem. Btw, consider my issues with you under the bridge. Were good.
In reply to this post by motterpaul
By all means still try it with sockets if you've got the board already populated. You may find a combo with the AC125 or OC75 that will sound good. Like I said though the difference between working and being awesome is a lot in this build
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