What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

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What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

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For those of you who play with a band - gigging, jamming, rehearsing, whatever; as long as you have a gig-ready rig...

Which pedal builds from this site are on your pedalboard?

I have:

Briggs Diamante compressor, (Cornish Buffer)
Maxon 808 (with tim tone controls),
Madbean Glam chorus,
EQD Talons,
Menatone None so Black (replaced my Crunchbox),
2-way loop switcher
ROG Tonemender EQ,
MXR noise gate (rarely used).

Others I have used: 1 knob noise gate, Crunchbox, Haunting Mids,  Wampler Plexi.

I am working on the EQD Sea Machine - to see if I like it better as a chorus.
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

Neil mcNasty
I have several pedalboards for different projects (mostly studio projects),
but for my main project that I am about to take to the stage, i use the following gig-ready setup:

From Tagboard site:
- EQD - Bit Commander
- Demeter - Fat Control
- Glam Chorus (rarely used)
- Tenebrion Reverb (almost always on)
- Tremulus Lune Tremolo
- Lovepedal - Super 6

My dirt and fuzz boxes are of my own design/bastardisations and consist of:
- Artefact Fuzz: own design inspired by the BazzFuss and the Germanium FuzzRite
- Bastard Preamp/OD: own design, a Germanium based Elektra/Rangemaster Combination/Bastardisation

I also use a modified version of Joe Davison's "Tubesound Overdrive"
In Addition to my self built pedals, I use:
DOD - 201 Phasor
Catalinbread - Echorec Delay
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

On my old pedal board, which I still keep around I had the following from this site:
- EP3 preamp with 18v chargepump in my switcher
- Ross Compressor
- a 2 in 1 multi with a Skreddy Lunar Module Fuzz and Skreddy P19 Muff
- a 2 in 1 multi with a MI Audio v1 Crunchbox and a tubescreamer
- a Skreddy P19 Muff, for leads only
- a Boss FA-1 FET amp

Unfortunately nothing in my current rack. I had planned a rackdrawer full of tagboard drive pedals with including a Skreddy Mayonaise III, Skreddy Lunar Module, Skreddy ?Lady, Madbean Turnabout, Wampler Plexdrive and a Wampler Velvet Fuzz, but I couldn't really make it work so I pulled out.  
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

In reply to this post by motterpaul
I have tons of them boxed up but tend to use a small pedal setup with the band

As far as builds I have been using the Magnavibe and occasionally the Klon (silver)

For stuff that I didn't build I've been using the Ace Tone FM-2, Boss TU-3, and Maxon AD-9 Pro
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

In reply to this post by Neil mcNasty
hey Neil, I just gathered all the parts needed to build up the EQD BC. How do you like it? Useful piece of your sound? Or do you find yourself only using it in certain scenarios, and only using one setting?
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

Ciaran Haslett
In reply to this post by motterpaul
Pink/Purple Fuzz (fantastic!)
Madbean Glam (Useful for the 80's hits)
Madbean Wigl
Deep Blue Delay
Madbean Reverb (can't remember the name)
Heart Throb Trem (love that too)
Exlpodey Fuzz (one of my own...similar vein of the Wampler Velvet)
Germ Fuzz Face
Ibanez WH10
Bajaman Compressor (Madbean one too??)
Sunn Model T

Then an MXR Phase 90 I got for a trade and a Boss TU-2 tuner.

Recently removed...

Crunch Box (didn't fit the music I'm playing)
Mutron Filter No SH.  Fun but too wild
EQD Bit Commander.  Again fun but didn't fit

If we ever see a doable flanger I'd add that too.  Much more interested in modulation effects these days.
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

I love the Bajaman LA2A compressor, I have built two of them and gave both to bass players. I need to build myself a new one, the Diamante is really good but it is more squishy. Bajaman adds tons of presence without really sounding squishy.

Of course I have built and used other pedals I can't remember. I just realized I have the Madbean Glam on. Previously I put the Glam and Dimension P in the same box to modulate each other (along with a BMP LPB for tone & recovery).  That actually sounded really good while it worked but something failed, so I took the Dimension P out. I am  a little torn on which chorus is best here for actually mixing in with other pedals.

I have built the Wampler Ecstasy and Pinnacle and Plexi with Trimmers - all are great, but some seem to sound better on their own than mixed in with other pedals (when you add in the compressors, EQs and set the tone on your amp for the pedals you are already using).

Have also built the Brunetti Mercury, Thor, and some high gainers like Diesel Diefet, AMT B1. All are great but not in my current rig.

 2 in 1 multi with a MI Audio v1 Crunchbox and a tubescreamer
How did you like this?
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

Sensei Tim
you're going to laugh at me, but i only have 1 pedal on my "board" - a klone  lol
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

I wouldn't laugh, I like the Klon a lot
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

Sensei Tim
i don't mean that you'll laugh that it's a klon - you'll laugh because i only have 1... and for the longest time i didn't use any lol!
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

M. Spencer
Here's last year's tour board:
ToneBender MKII/JEN HF Modulator
TS808 with Timmy EQ setup
Ross Compressor with Jangle Mod
Mutron Phasor II (Kgull's PCB, so not a tagboard entry) 
HeartThrob Tremolo
EquinoxII Reverb with photo eye and feedback mods
Deep Blue Delay
EQD Ghost Reverb

Current board is:
Superfuzz/BJFE ModelH
Fuzzhugger AbSynth (from the contributions sub)
EQD Ghost Echo
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

I put together the Mutron Phase II - that's one of those "disaster builds" for me. Actually it does work with certain switch settings, but other settings sound more like a moog synth. I admire the fact that you got it to work - especially to the point where you are using it live.

The other disaster for me is the original ISP Decimator layout (there is a new one here now from Alex now, not the one I built). I had to order parts and it worked great for a couple weeks before it died - but it is too big to troubleshoot, soooo... I could start over but I actually find that with the right pedals you don't even need a noise gate.
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

Neil mcNasty
In reply to this post by notnews
reply to: notnews

I like the Bit Commander a lot, even though i screwed up one section so one of the pots is not having any effect. But since it sounds great as it is, I have not dug in and fixed that last bit yet... (pun intended)
It can be a bit glitchy down the neck, but tracks great from 5-7th fret and upwards.
I use sub octave pedals quite a lot as bass-lines in unison with the guitar riffs, and the BC is the most versatile and compact of them, so it stays on the board.
I use 2-3 different settings, removing the base signal, upper octave or both depending on the song.
My songs and playing style is all based around single note/lead riffs, and I split my signal running 3 amps: 1 dirty and 1 clean, in a kind of stereo setup for the guitar sounds, and 1 bass amp in between them for the sub octaves, in order to get simple but massive riffs.
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

My recent board:

From tagboards:
Klon Centaur Rev 2 (i am thinking substitute to a Silvertone Twin Twelve Preamp and another drive. Maybe hotcake. I really want something sounds like Bodysnatchers by Radiohead and Black Keys tones)
Fuzzhugger Algal Bloom (a little bit modded. maybe i will substitute to a muff like)
Proco Rat (with mosfet, leds and silicon clipping)
Pitch Pirate (i love the vibrato tone)
Phase 90 (i will substitute to a Small Clone)
Pitch Pirate Deluxe

Danelectro Tuna Melt Tremolo
Boss FV500L
EHX Cathedral
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

-Rockett Animal. Tone stack heavily modified.
-Catalinbread Naga Viper.
-Violet Big Muff.
-Univox Superfuzz with added controls.
-Chasm Reverb.
ThereĀ“s a Crowder Hot Cake currently as well, but missing in the picture.

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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

In reply to this post by motterpaul

First I play stereo setup.
Amps Peavey Classic 30 and an old transistor Vox Venue Lead 100 (soon to be replaced)
One chain are the fuzz and overdrives, the other are the reverbs and delays.

I have:

First in my chain will be (because I have ordered 150k pots) the Keeleey 4knob compressor.
Second Keeleey Katana boost ( I have the old version ) so far the best boost around for me.
Demeter Fuzzulator- fuzz For my ears it sounds amazing yet I think of building the Keeleey FuzzHead
Zvex Distortrone- this pedal is very versatile. I have good choices to make with all my guitars
HAO Rust drive- overdrive Simple one knob overdrive that blow my mind I din't know why.

So that's it :)

All the pedals are build thanks to all your help!

p.s yes I have build a lot of pedals and for me, for my ear this were my personal best and made it to my pedal board.  
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Re: What Tagboard Pedals are on your current pedal board?

p.s Pay me now for telling you my secrets!  just kidding :)

p.p.s Come on JohnK kill us with some pics! !!!!he's the best!!!