Hi, I'm Tim and I'm from Poole in Dorset, UK. I tell people I worked in electronics, then I tell them I was in testing and packing! (Penny & Giles Potentiometers). I know how to do certain simple things like put a board together but it's the understanding of stuff I get lost on so I can't problem solve and work it out.
So, I've bought a Timmy Clone Kit from Bitsbox and I have the board all done. I found IvIark's diagram for off board wiring and sort of understand but it's stuff like which way up is the 3PDT Footswitch and what do the terminals do? Why have I got a stereo jack and is that the input or output? What does wiring to ground mean, to the back of the pot, the box, the ground?? Is there a book or guide that will give me the basics so that I don't have to waste your time and embarrass myself on forums like this. Maybe I'll search Amazon and see if there is an Electronics for Dummies? Anyway, thanks for reading and if anyone can help at all, I would be very very grateful. This what we have so far..... |
Just google the 3PDT Footswitch and answered my own question! I think...
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In reply to this post by Dodge
Hi Dodge. Welcome to the hobby and the forum.
Pedal building is a very specialized niche in electronics, with its own set of customs, habits, jargon, etc. When you search online, focus your googling on pedal-specific questions rather than on 'electronics' as a whole. Having a decent familiarity with general electronics is very helpful for troubleshooting, modifying, and designing circuits, but if you just want to build pre-existing circuits, you can take a paint-by-numbers approach. It's really up to you. There are lots of pedal-specific sites that offer lots of useful info. Madbean has good tutorials, including one on the footswitch and another one that answers your question about stereo input jacks. Beavis has lots of good info, especially on the tech pages. The links section on the main page of this site has lots more for you to browse. AMZ has good technical articles, as does Geofex, especially the Technology of ... articles. My personal favorites are the freestompboxes and diystompboxes forums, because they are full of technical analysis of the circuits. Forum members reverse-engineer the circuits of commercial pedals (and amps, etc.), and do technical analysis of them. People also post their own non-commercial circuits, mods, and general ideas. Lots of designers post there, including commercial builders like Brian Wampler, RG Keen, and Paul Cochrane (who designed your Timmy), etc. Lots of boutique builders learned how to design pedals on these forums, and many of them will post their own schematics, and talk through their design decisions. The posts there tend to get pretty technical, so some of the discussion may go over your head, but you'll learn a lot if you just pick some threads that interest you and read through them. Most of the sites I linked to will have lots of links to other useful sites, so spend some time surfing and bookmarking and you'll have your own reference list. There are some pedal-specific books out there, but I haven't read them, so I can't offer any recommendations. Maybe someone else will chime in on that. For questions about electronic circuits in general, I like Wikipedia. Most pedal circuits are built up from combinations of building block subcircuits, so if you get familiar with those building blocks you will start to spot them in schematics pretty quickly. I'd start with common emitter and common source amplifiers, common collector and common drain buffers, and inverting and non-inverting op-amps. The related article links at the bottom of these articles are good for browsing other topics, but many of them won't be pedal-specific. If you read these articles and then look at pedal schematics, read the threads at FSB and DIYSB, or read the articles on AMZ or Geofex, you will start to see those building blocks repeated over and over in slightly different configurations. For example, the vast majority of Lovepedal's products are just variations on the basic common emitter amplifier. I don't recommend trying to analyze layouts. Try to find the schematic for whatever pedal you're building and analyze that instead. Most of them are available somewhere on the internet, often at FSB and DIYSB, and others of the links I provided above. I hope I didn't overwhelm you with links. You can do fine by just building kits or following layouts. If you get stuck or have questions, don't hesitate to post them here. You won't waste our time or embarrass yourself. Everybody starts somewhere, and lots of us enjoy troubleshooting and explaining concepts. I usually check here once a day to see if there are any interesting questions to answer. Enjoy your Timmy. It's a great circuit. |
Thank you so much for taking the time to give me such a detailed response. I definitely the paint by numbers approach is going to suit me best! I shall look at those sites ands forums and I am sure I will get this Timmy running. Thanks again.
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