Where to get a metal grill like that

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Where to get a metal grill like that

I´m going to put together this nice project:

It´s an attenuator that uses resistive, inductive and capacitive  elements to mimic the impedance curve of a 12" speaker.
I´ve got all parts and stuff, but I feel that attaching all the elements inside the box is going to be a real pain without using something like that metal grid that remains on the floor where the inductors are attached.
Do you know where to find something like that?
Cheers, Gilberto.
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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

Punched steel sheet is what you want - preferably galvanised to prevent corrosion.

You can get it from ebay, sometimes cut to the exact size you need, but it is often expensive when you include shipping.

Personally I would try your local auto body shops, as it is often used in car body repairs.
Welding and Fabrication shops will almost certainly carry this as well.  They will be able to guillotine a piece to size for you, and bend the sides to 90 degrees so you can mount it in the enclosure.

A small piece like this might come out of their scrap bin, so effectively free. Any charge for guillotining to size and bending could be minimal as it would only literally be ten minutes work.

You might come out with a perfectly cut and bent freebie if you play your cards right.
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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

In reply to this post by traktop
I think he's talking about the heat sinks, Beaker

If that's the case, you can get those at Tayda, but they don't have any as large as the ones in the photos. Maybe google "heat sink" along with the number of fins that you want and see what comes up
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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

Sensei Tim
In reply to this post by Travis
Travis, I think he's referring to the bottom - the grey metal with round holes in it to elevate the components off the bottom of the enclosure and allow air circulation.

That also looks like the same material that is used inside computer power supplies. you might be able to find an old/dead power supply and recycle the enclosure.
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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

Thanks for the replies.
Punched steel sheet, that´s it. I just didn´t know the right english expression to make a proper google search.
I already got same enclosure like the picture, just don´t have the metal sheet. Still don´t made proper measurements inside the box, so don´t know the exact dimensions yet.
I didn´t think about it for air ventilation, but more of a holder for plastic bridles, so everything stays in its right place.
I will try asking at auto body shop as Travis said, (nothing to loose).
I checked the ebay links. Looking at the descripion they show the thickness, holes and pitch dimensions. I don´t understand what "pitch" does mean in this context... Any help?
Cheers, Gilberto.

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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

Sorry for the confusion with my reply! I misunderstood the OP

That was beaker that suggested the auto body shop

I haven't worked with these parts before but I'm guessing "pitch" refers to the spacing of the holes. For example the stripboard we usually use here is .1" pitch. This just means the center of each hole is spaced .1" from the next
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Re: Where to get a metal grill like that

Ah, thanks