Which booster to choose

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Which booster to choose

Hallo, I built some time ago the pareidolia trem from sabrotone, the fact is that sounds good to me, but with very low output, i was playing the thing yesterday and thought that maybe a booster at the end could help a bit. Any favourite , one with near to no noise, great amount of boost, and no eq changes added? Thanks a lot,
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Re: Which booster to choose

there are some really good "clean" boosts you could do.
ZVex Super Hard On
Catalinbread Sagrado Poblano Picoso

i've used the LPB-1 as an add-on to a pedal that i added a tonestack to, and use catalinbread as a separate effect. the catalinbread adds a little midrange and tubeyness to my ears, while the LPB-1 you can't even tell its in the circuit. i haven't built the SHO, but i've heard nothing but good things, and its super small.
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Re: Which booster to choose

LPB1 as rocket said is the cleanest and it's great as a recovery stage. The SHO has huge output and it thickens your sound a little bit.
Personally I use the SHO and love it.
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Re: Which booster to choose

In reply to this post by rocket88
Rocket, stinger, thank you! you, fast response, i think i ll try first ehx and then zvex
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Re: Which booster to choose

Or you can kick it up a notch and build a fourbanger :)

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Re: Which booster to choose

In reply to this post by Sergio
Xotic EP booster is really nice one. Otherwise, you can't go wrong with lpb