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Which clipping options for a tube screamer ?

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Which clipping options for a tube screamer ?

556 posts
I built a TS808 using Musikding's v01 pcb I had for a long time
The pcb has pads for 3 1n4148 with a switch to choose between sym and asym clipping.
That's what I did first and didn't hear any difference between both positions.
So I desoldered the witch and leds and tried other options with a on-off-on switch as suggested by Mark on his TS layout.
I first went with sym 1n4148 / no diode / sym red leds
the no diode pos adds a lot of output as expected, but as did the leds where on the opposit I was expecting more drive
So ai removed the leds and tried another asym clipping using 1n4148 combined with a bunch of 1n34a but didn't really like it, a bit harsh sounding

So here is my question : is there another clipping option that offers with an audible difference more gain than the stock 2x1n4148 (which is for the moment my favourite clipping option) ?
If not I'll go for a dpdt on-on with 1n4148 and no clipping on the other side

I read a lot of things on internet before asking, but I prefer an open discussion here and share experiences
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Re: Which clipping options for a tube screamer ?

28 posts
Might be worth experimenting with multiple 1n4148s in series for each clipping "unit" - the theory being that you'll get similar clipping character to a single 1n4148, but with higher Vf, so less -ve feedback, so more gain. Socket and see, as my Granny used to say (almost), and good luck, because the permutations are literally endless.
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Re: Which clipping options for a tube screamer ?

Ciaran Haslett
590 posts
In reply to this post by alltrax74
I think another thing to consider with TS style circuits is how you are actually using it.  As a standalone drive pedal, I've found every one I've tried very honky, nasally.  Not something I like at all.  But when stacked with an amp in a box pedal (plexidrive, black 65 etc) set just a bit gritty, I get a much more satisfying drive tone...much closer to the sounds that made it famous..ie SRV pushing an overdriven FDR.

Maybe you should try auditioning those diodes under those conditions above?  Again it depends on your use.  I just personally hate the sound of them on their own.
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Re: Which clipping options for a tube screamer ?

556 posts
So next try will be 2x2 1n4148 sym, and if I'm not happy with that I'll go with the 2 options switch

I use my TS as a single drive or boosting a crunchbox or plexi-like pedal an like it both ways