Wiring Help

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Wiring Help

So, Im going to build this oscillator, thanks to forum member ADAPT:

I'd like to add this VOLUME control to the circuit. I will use an a real pot, not a trimpot.

Simple enough. Sadly, where I get confused is when trying to figure out how to add a simple TONE control along with this. Like a 1k pot with a 10uf capacitor. Nothing fancy is needed.

Anyone know how to wire this master vol / master tone to the oscillator circuit? I'm sure its quite simple, but I can't seem to figure it out.
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Re: Wiring Help

Hi Kinski,

Check out this link: http://www.beavisaudio.com/techpages/BigMuffToneControl/

Good luck.
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Re: Wiring Help

In reply to this post by Kinski
Hmmm...just found this...would this work?


Pot = 100k
C1 = 10uf
Not shown, but VOL 2 to ground, yes?
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Re: Wiring Help

In reply to this post by Lee
Hi Lee, good idea. I was thinking of just a simple treble roll off control, but BMP just may do the trick. Thanks!
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Re: Wiring Help

oh hello again. i updated that image with a master volume:
