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Your favourite builds?

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Your favourite builds?

448 posts
This post was updated on Feb 15, 2013; 11:04am.
Of your own builds, which has come out as your favourites?

I've just built about 15 pedals yet, but this is my top-list so far

EDIT (2013-02-15)
1. Menatone Red Snapper - Fantastic sounding overdrive/distortion
2. Way Huge Red Llama - Thicker and fatter then the Red Snapper
3. Himmerstrutz Fetto - Sounds great! Has alot more gain than I expected.
4. MI Audio Crunchbox - Great hi gain distortion.
5. Roger Mayer Mongoose/Spitfire - Best Fuzz I've ever played

Honorable mention: Xotic EP Booster, DAM Meathead

I''m really happy about how these turned out.
BTW, really excited about the forum. I'm really getting addicted to this stufff...

cheers from Sweden
/ Fredrik
check out my building blog at www.parasitstudio.se
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Re: Your favourite builds?

34 posts
Been thinking of doing the Fetto for a year now haha.
But to fill this list in, im not sure of how many pedals i've done really but top 5 would be.

1. Skreddy Lunar Module Deluxe, by far the best fuzz i've built and tried so far.
2. Mad Professor Deep Blue Delay & Belton brick based reverb in the same case, a good all in all unit. Both effects sounds really good.
3. Klon Centaur, just awesome sounding overdrive with extra mojo.
4. MXR Micro Booster, just an insanely clean and good booster. Made a real diffrence to my Musicman HD130 amp.
5. Tremulus Lune, a very versatile tremolo.

-jimmie, sweden :D
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Re: Your favourite builds?

1707 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
Yes the Crunchbox is a great pedal, one of my favourites.

I'm a bit strange with pedal building because I don't build as often as a lot of people on here, and when I do I tend to use it for half an hour and then put it in a cupboard because I'm more of an amp dirt kind of guy, and use a rack for modulation and time based effects.  But I'm a hoarder and so I want access to any effect that I want, IF I want it and so it's still nice to have a selection to choose from every now and again.

I'm definitely more interested in dirt effects more than anything else (reflected in the number of overdrive and fuzz layouts ), and the builds I've been most pleased with in terms of the way they interact with my setup are:

BJF Honey Bee

I really like the Skreddy muffs and once built a DAM Meathead (with mojo ME4003 transistors and PETP axial caps) which was the best sounding Fuzz-Face-Alike I'd ever played, but unfortunately it was for a friend and so I had to give it up.  I was absolutely gutted about that.

Plaudits also to the Hearthrob Tremolo and Deep Blue Delay which sound fantastic.
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Re: Your favourite builds?

411 posts
In reply to this post by rudeez
I'm probably coming close to my 200th build now.

I love all the layouts here but I must say that I've had the most problems with anything containing a PT2399. Recently I give them. Third chance and it has been fine. Weird.

Anyways here are some favourites, in no special order:
-Klon, it was a challenge and I like it
-Timmy, such a good circuit!
-Zen, same as above
-Red Llama, there's just something about it!
-Wampler Plexidrive
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Re: Your favourite builds?

473 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
I'll agree with Mark and say that the only thing that runs between my guitar and amp is a cable..

but from what I've built, I'd say the Meathead and the Catalinbread RAH are my favourites.. Oh and the Catalinbread Naga Viper... which is what I use the most as it is Sabbath in a box..
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Re: Your favourite builds?

227 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
Hard to say for me... when I play I'm really a guitar-cable-amp kinda guy so in terms of how useful pedals are to me, my favorite is the SHO. Simple, to the point and basically sounds like my amp.

Just for the sake of building?

- Wampler Triple-wreck I just finished. Lots of fun to put together
- I build a dual pedal consisting of an SHO and TS808... nothing glamorous but very useful
- Triangle big muff (love that thing)
- Blackarts Pharaoh
- The very underrated Mongfire.

But I could almost list every one I've built so far... I love PCBs over vero but I work more on vero nowadays: faster, simpler but still usually a bit bulkier.
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Re: Your favourite builds?

1707 posts
Yes that's my problem with vero too.  When a vero layout gets to the sort of dimensions when I'd have to use a 1590BB size box instead of a 1590B, but the circuit would easily fit in the B using a PCB, then I'm much more likely to use a PCB.  Being a rack guy the stompboxes I use are on a rack tray and I switch them by MIDI, and as I want to keep a fairly small rack, using BB boxes is a real deal breaker for me because it obviously reduces the number of pedals I can fit in.  Ideally they'd all be 1590A friendly so I could get tons in but I'm not as masochistic as some people on here!

This is why sometimes I wouldn't do a layout for a certain effect, because essentially I don't consider the circuit to be vero friendly.  For everything that is vero friendly I'd use it over PCB everytime just because of how convenient it is to be able to make anything at any time without etching, which would be awkward for me with young children and a dog who would just love to drink Ferric Chloride!
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Re: Your favourite builds?

227 posts
Seems like we feel the same way!

I'm always kinda jealous of the PCB layouts rocklander (fsb) manages to fit in 1590As... wish I could do the same.

When I need to etch I do it in the woodshed. Plenty of ventilation, as far away from my daughter as possible too but requires me to use a warm water bath to put the etchant-bath into during the winter (like right now).

I use muriatic acid + peroxyde, not ferric chloride. Easier to obtain for me, but just as nasty. At least I can bring it back to neutral pH before disposing of it properly through professionals...

By the way Mark: I hope you read my post in the introduction thread. It's basically just a thank you but I don't feel like double-posting it you know. ;)  
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Re: Your favourite builds?

1707 posts
I did read it, thanks for your words and I'm glad you and a lot of others seem to get so much enjoyment from this place
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Re: Your favourite builds?

255 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
I've built loads of circuits, some will never see the inside of an enclosure but were fun to build all the same. Where to start with faves tho'?

1. The English channel - the definitive vox in a box, billed by the ROG team as an ac30Top boost adapted as a distortion pedal but it is more amp like than that, this pedal also chimes like an ac30 on cleaner settings
2. Klon centaur - it's a Klon centaur nuff said.
3. Causality 4 - I kneel before Rick Holt for sharing his circuit and high praise to Mark for bringing it to vero, not an easy build but well worth it.
4. Mad prof snow white autowah boxed with a knight fuzz which I call the yellow snow fuzz wah. Brilliant combo, not as versatile as a wah pedal but sounds great.
Too many more but dr.boogie, timmy, zenkudo drive, echo base, zombie chorus, vox repeat percussion and deep blue delay all deserve a mention.
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: Your favourite builds?

85 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
I have built a lot of distortions and fuzzes, and more recently modulation and other types of effects, but only a few have lasted past a couple of months.  But of the keepers:

1. Subdecay Liquid Sunshine - the most versatile pedal I have ever used.  It does everything
2. Mid-Fi Electronics Clari(not) -  completely useless but so much fun to goof around with
3. Nick Greer Sucker Punch - giant ballsy drive.  Never liked LM386's until this pedal
4. Vox Repeat Percussion - again, not much practical use but a cool sound
5. Lovepedal Delux Sixty pushing a transistor Muff Fuzz in one box.  Smooth as glass, meaty overdrive.
Honorable Mentions -  Landgraff MO'D, HAO Rust Driver, Lovepedal Woodrow
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Re: Your favourite builds?

4 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
I am a relative newbie, with only 6 completed vero builds under my belt, so my take isn't super-useful, but Mark is spot-on, when he recommends SHO to beginners.  I thought I had good solder skills, but vero-building definitely challenged that assumption, and SHO was a great way of gaining experience.

Best-sounding build thus far was the LDO; most fun build was putting a SHO in a 1590A.

Just finished soldering two Galileos tonight; tomorrow I am putting them in a 125B and maybe a 1590B.  Really looking forward to the boxing process.
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Re: Your favourite builds?

220 posts
I the same as agitprop, I'm really new to pedal building so take this with a pinch of salt.  My favourite build so far has got to be a Lovepedal Purple Plexi 800, not necessarily because of the sound, although it does sound ace, but because it was the first pedal I built where I really felt like I'd finally 'got it', everything worked first time and it's probably now my most used pedal.  With all the recommendations on here though I'm sure I'll be able to find a new favourite before too long ;)
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Re: Your favourite builds?

171 posts
Well. I do have a lot circuits that i like.. You can never have too many fuzzes. Or overdrives. Or distortions. Or copressors. or...

Just to name a few really good ones:
- Meathead with larger input caps
- Clark Gainster
- Lunar Module
- Dyna comp
- Phase 45
- Green Ringer
- Red Ranger
- Buzzaround-alike
- Fuzzrong
- Modded Slam Punk
- Tremulator
- Deep Blue Delay

Nurse Quacky was real fun too. Something quite different for a change...
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Re: Your favourite builds?

434 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
I've really enjoyed buildind all the effects so far (about 30, most of them Mark's and now Miro's signature). Now i really enjoy the most building these effects on a 1590A box (masochism as Mark says :), but the results are awesome, so, my "Seven Dwarfs" ara my most beloved ones. That doesn't mean that are the ones I use the most but still my favourites.

It was awkward on past weekend when I built the Hyperion on a 1590B (being ideal to be  built in an A). When i look at the pics of the guts, it seems completely empty to me!

So, my most beloved ones are:

- Coloursound One knob Fuzz
- Meathead with switchable caps ("Dark" settings rule!)
- Drag'n'Fly
- Grease Box
- Sonic Titan
- Black Cat OD-1
- Fuzz Rong

In terms of sound, I have to mention the Deep Blue, the Centaur, Keeley Compressor and King of Tone. They all sound great.

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Re: Your favourite builds?

69 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
So far my favorite builds are

1. Wampler Ecstasy
2. 4 knob keeley compressor
3. Plexitone clone
4. Hot silicon Fuzz
5. Klone

I have made other fuzz face and tonebender clones as well that are pretty cool but the above so far
are my favorite and staying on my board for now.

Next project I am going to do is the Deep Blue Delay - I have never made a delay before so this should be interesting and it will gear me up for the Madbean release of the zero point SDX...
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Re: Your favourite builds?

197 posts
my top five in no order are
Zvex machine, Devi ever hyperion, fuzzhugger groundswell overdrive, ea tremolo, bigfoot magnavibe.
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Re: Your favourite builds?

3 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
Magnavibe....very important to me, simple to build and sounds great. Cheers Everyone..!
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Re: Your favourite builds?

20 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
most of my builds have been on pcb's but I'm trying to move to vero more
I've really liked:
Big Muff (madbean's triangle) w/ mids pot and bright switch (removes filter caps)
Deep Blue Delay
Orange Squeezer (I biased it so there's subtle compression and brightness, tons of output volume)
Rat (w/ three way clipping switch), versatile, fuzzy OD. kinda reminiscent of big muffs
Sweet Honey OD
MKII tonebender

good lists, above. great for getting ideas on what to try...
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Re: Your favourite builds?

43 posts
In reply to this post by Freppo
Repeat Percussion
Foxx tone machine
Fender Blender
Civil War muff
Schaller trem

I did slight tweaks with the tremolos based on schematics and research.  
I wish I knew how to post comments- I'd share my discoveries.