Zvex Nano head

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Zvex Nano head

I saw it was posted and removed due to concerns about lethal voltages.
Would it be possible to post here or provide a link to download?
I have built a couple 5f1 amps but this would be a useful little booger.
If I am out of bounds please disregard and thanks for all the work everyone contributes here!

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Re: Zvex Nano head

I have been thinking about this one too since I built a 18watt Bluesbreaker and a JTM45 already, it would be awesome to build this little fella as a home amp.
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Re: Zvex Nano head

In reply to this post by dv8fuzz
I'm not too crazy about this idea. Stripboard just doesn't seem like the right thing to use, especially when you're talking about .1" pitch stripboard carrying mains voltage.

I think it would make more sense to use a 12VDC power supply which can be used for the heaters, fan, and charge pump for B+. The question is what charge pump circuit is Zvex using???

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Re: Zvex Nano head

Hey Travis I was just asking, as Zach had posted a killer layout with transformer info and it was taken down due to concerns over safety.... rightfully so. Was just hoping for a possible link to download and give it a go or have it emailed. If it is a pain we can delete the thread no worries. :) Looks like a fun build!
Thanks again!!
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Re: Zvex Nano head

yep, i still have the layout. there's major concerns about voltage and safety with it, as travis mentioned, so because of that i'm not really comfortable releasing it. i may do a turrertboard layout for it when i get a chance, which takes away the issues concerning with the stripboard.

side note, there's no charge pump it's 120VAC in with a transformer.
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Re: Zvex Nano head

Cool beans! Looking forward to it.
Thanks so much for the hyper quick reply everyone.
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Re: Zvex Nano head

In reply to this post by rocket88
Zach - I know the schematic has 120VAC and a power transformer but I was talking about the Zvex Nano which does not.

My point was that this is another deviation from the original that doesn't seem very well thought out. The 6.3VAC for the heaters is notorious for radiating hum into the audio signal, seems like lead dress will be extremely challenging with AC flying around in a super cramped micro amp build