alternate blend circuit

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alternate blend circuit

Wondered if anyone has had any luck with a blend circuit that has a pot that controls only the clean signal level, separate from the effected signal.  I've used the split n blend a few times and its great with some effects but not all. Could this circuit be easily modified?

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Re: alternate blend circuit

ξεναγος νεκροπολης
you could mod something out of this
echo bender was the first circuit that came in my mind that has separated controls for dry/wet.
hope i helped
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Re: alternate blend circuit

In reply to this post by hobbyseason
Whenever I need some "custom" blend option, I just build a 2 channel mixer (, and use it's output.
If I need to have control over both signals, this will provide two pots for that. If I need just one pot to control the clean signal for example and save space on the enclosure, then I replace the other pot with a trimmer, and hide it inside, and that's it.

But that's just my way to do these sort of things :)
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Re: alternate blend circuit

great idea thanks! :D