boss vb-2 vibrato

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boss vb-2 vibrato

it's so expensive it's destined for cloning infamy.

here's the BYOC schematic, w/o goofy switching:

it uses a BA662 which is insane expensive, but i found this about using an LM3080 or LM13600 instead:

whaddaya say?!
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

I'd love to see a vero of this one, too!
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

So would I!
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

In reply to this post by adapt
With 6 ICs and 11 transistors I really wouldn't hold your breath for us to do a vero layout.  Definitely something I would do on a PCB I'm afraid guys.
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

In reply to this post by adapt
Giving this a little bump! This is a great circuit. A layout would be awesome, even if it would be BIG.

I also found this schematic over on DIYSB:
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

I know this doesn't help with the layout but if you really wanted this pedal how about this Behringer UV300 Ultra Vibrato Pedal for about £20 and give it some modding.
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

I actually bought a Waza Craft VB-2. It's awesome, but I wanted to build my own as well. I bought the Behringer previously, but IMO it's not that same sound. Close, but doesn't cut through as nicely. Thanks for the suggestion nonetheless!
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

I would like to mod this VB-2 I just bought to have a slower rate. Does anyone know if/how this is possible? Thanks in advance.
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

I suppose you could change to a bigger pot. A 500K one would give you more control without loosing the high speed.
I also suppose you could experiment with R54 (4K7 going to pot 3). Increasing the value will get you a overall slower rate.
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Re: boss vb-2 vibrato

Thanks for that info, Zanius! Going to have to give that a try...