breadboard layout or conversion

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breadboard layout or conversion

Guys does anyone have a link to breadboard layouts or advise on conversion.  I had problems recently with the greer sucker punch so got a breadboard but concerned about my ability to mock it up correctly
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Re: breadboard layout or conversion

check out smallbear's how to section, here. there are a few different breadboard projects.

i learned from doing a few projects posted there, which helped me get the hang of it. then i started trying some small circuits i saw posted on amzfx.
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Re: breadboard layout or conversion

In reply to this post by mizzion
Cheers ill check it out
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Re: breadboard layout or conversion

You may also want to check out some of the Beavis Audio Material.
This stuff was HUGE in helping me.
The last link below has a boat load of circuits laid out for breadboard.

Hope this helps.