buying parts in bulk

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buying parts in bulk

i've built a couple pedals so far and in the past i've just been buying components as i need them specifically for each pedal but i want to start buying my components in bulk to save money and have more on hand so i don't have to wait for delivery, anyway my question is i've been looking on ebay at bulk components and some of them look to good to be true like 100 1n60 diodes for $3 shipped while others are much more expensive. is it ok to buy cheap parts like that? i would rather spend a little more and have better sounding pedals but at the same time i don't want to spend more on the same part if i don't have to
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Re: buying parts in bulk

In short, YES!

Anyone charging X dollars/pounds/euros for one diode when you can get 100 for the same price is just taking the p*ss.

Take a good read through the "Bargains" post at the top of the page, and save yourself a small fortune.
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Re: buying parts in bulk

Silver Blues
In reply to this post by djsadowsk
Absolutely. Ebay is your best friend, order as much as your wallet can handle  (although you won't end up spending all that much) and you probably won't need to again for the foreseeable future.
Through all the worry and pain we move on
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Re: buying parts in bulk

In reply to this post by djsadowsk
I've got serious OCD with parts and at first I stopped myself building anything until I had bulk stocks of everything.  I hated the idea of missing a single component and having to buy it specially and paying a premium for it.  So yes, at least for me bulk buying was the way to go to make sure I could build anything whenever I want.  As far as the sources go I can strongly recommend:


Cheap IC's

Multilayer ceramic caps



Mojo paper in oil and PETP caps

Cheap electrolytics

Panasonic caps

Great resistor kits

That lot should give you plenty of bulk buying to do!
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Re: buying parts in bulk

awesome, thanks so much that info might be helpful for others on a more public place on this site
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Re: buying parts in bulk

Tayda are fantastic too. Especially for pots
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Re: buying parts in bulk

In reply to this post by djsadowsk
I found this eBay store had plenty of bulk components, especially resistor and capacitor kits:
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Re: buying parts in bulk

In reply to this post by djsadowsk
Oh, and there's some cheap stuff you should avoid. Main things that come to mind are sockets, both 2.1mm DC and 6.5mm guitar sockets.