kraken layout question

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kraken layout question

Thanks a bunch for this one guys!

Quick question: I count 24 cuts but the "instructions" specify 23... miscount or superfluous cut somewhere?

Since John verified it I suppose it's the former but just in case...
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Re: kraken layout question

Surgeon wrote
Thanks a bunch for this one guys!

Quick question: I count 24 cuts but the "instructions" specify 23... miscount or superfluous cut somewhere?

Since John verified it I suppose it's the former but just in case...

hummm? I count 23
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Re: kraken layout question

In reply to this post by Surgeon
I counted twice and still came to 24... Third time was 23... Dammit.
I must've counted the same cut twice...
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Re: kraken layout question

Definetely, 23 :) Count no more or you'll end up with 25!
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Re: kraken layout question

In reply to this post by Surgeon
Yeah 23, but it could be 22, row 8 has 2 cuts between 4u7 cap and collector of q3, 1 of these could be discarded.
If it wasn't for this website I would definitely have a life.
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Re: kraken layout question

Thanks for the replies, I think I'm too tired to do anything right at the moment... Not gonna biid anything tonight.